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7/31/2018 - If collaboration is key to adult learning, how do districts support that idea in practice for effective PD?
7/24/2018 - What should be an educator’s philosophy concerning the use of technology in education?
7/17/2018 - As an educator how do you determine if you are being successful?
7/10/2018 - If people tend to stay in their comfort zones and many are unaware of tech and professional advances why offer choices in educational Professional Development?
7/3/2018 - If technology is constantly changing as we use it in education, how should educators maintain their relevance in its use?
6/19/2018 - If basic skills proficiency in technology is a goal for our students, should it be a requirement for their teachers?
6/12/2018 - What are the traits of an administrator that would make them better than average to outstanding?
6/5/2018 - Is racism addressed in education and if so how do we know? Are there positive effects as a result or is it a token effort?
5/29/2018 - If we could provide Professional Development for parents, what are the issues or skills we would want to address in regard to Education?
5/22/2018 - What is “grit” and why, as a teacher, do I need to be aware of it?
5/15/2018 - If the purpose of formative assessment is to provide teacher and student feedback on progress, is it fair to assign grades to it? Are there alternatives?
5/8/2018 - With conflicted research confusing the issue the question is: Does class size matter?
5/1/2018 - What are the pluses and minuses in allowing students to retake tests that will affect their average?
4/24/2018 - If teachers don’t always know what they don’t know, how do we balance their choice of PD to mandated PD?
4/17/2018 - What do you think will be the effect of the recent statewide, teacher walkouts on our education system?
4/10/2018 - If we could provide Professional Development for parents, what are the issues or skills we would want to address in regard to Education?
4/3/2018 - What makes an education thought leader and what role do they take in our education system?
3/27/2018 - Innovation is very big in education discussions. Can you point to successful specific examples of innovation in your own school or district?
3/20/2018 - Should we look to technology to enable us to personalize learning for each of our students as an education goal? Will this be an improvement or a distraction?
3/13/2018 - How have your teaching strategies been changed as a result of technological advances?
3/6/2018 - How is professional development provided by your school or district meeting your needs to maintain relevance in the 21st century?
2/27/2018 - As an educator, where do you stand on arming teachers as a solution to mass shootings in schools?
2/20/2018 - How much of your teaching skills and education philosophy is a result of college, and how much came from the job?
2/13/2018 - Has the time arrived to consider the role of classroom environment in learning and reconsider the role of desks in rows?
2/6/2018 - How do we go from teacher centered teaching to student centered learning?
1/30/2018 - Our Education System is complex and in need of changes in many areas. If you were to focus on a single change what would it be?
1/23/2018 - Should content remain king in teaching kids, or should there be a shift to teaching how to learn not what to learn?
1/16/2018 - What happens to elementary students to go from enthusiastic and curious about learning to complacent in their teens?
1/9/2018 - What is a Growth Mindset & should that guide our learning and teaching?
11/28/2017 - How is the current student teacher program meeting the needs to develop relevant new teachers?
11/21/2017 - Should fake news and media literacy have a significant place in a modern curriculum?
11/14/2017 - Are there individual rights that teachers are forced to give up in order to teach?
11/7/2017 - Is formative assessment geared for the teacher or the student?
10/31/2017 - What expectations should teachers have for their principal? Are yours being met?
10/24/2017 - In past 5 years what did your school do to make major, measurable improvements in ed overall ? What prevented that?
10/17/2017 - How should Admins assess their school’s culture and how do they affect changes if needed?
10/10/2017 - What does rigor in education look like and is it an effective movement?
10/3/2017 - What are the best methods to educate parents about what they need to know about the education of their kids?
9/26/2017 - How much autonomy should teachers be given and how is that determined?
9/19/2017 - What should be the role of a teacher in a connected relationship w/students through Social Media?
9/12/2017 - Does collaboration between educators really exist and do administrators support it?
9/5/2017 - Have Twitter chats become echo chambers for complacent educators, or do they challenge the status quo of education?
8/29/2017 - What is a teacher or administrator's responsibility if they discover that there is a bigoted colleague on staff?
8/22/2017 - How do we as educators deal with students who might be negatively influenced by family in regard to racial bigotry?
8/15/2017 - How do principals objectively self-assess the culture of their schools? How do they effectively act on the results?
8/8/2017 - Considering that educators don't always know what it is that they don't know, what PD topics should be mandatory for them?
8/1/2017 - Are class participation grades fair for all students. How prevalent are these grades?
7/25/2017 - How do we grade projects so it reflects each individuals efforts to prevent one kid from doing all the work?
7/18/2017 - What is a "connected educator" & how is that different from our general conception of an educator?
7/11/2017 - Is Blended Learning coming any closer to being adopted in education? What is holding it back or moving it forward?
7/4/2017 - No Chat - Happy Independence Day, USA!!!
6/27/2017 - What are the innovative alternatives to educating kids by age groupings?
6/20/2017 - How effective are National and State Education conferences in affecting change on a local level for the average teacher?
6/13/2017 - Considering the recent negative spin social media is getting, has it been a positive or negative experience for you in education?
6/6/2017 - Knowing faculty meetings require Ts attendance, what should be the topics of those meetings to affect the greatest change?
5/30/2017 - When do grades become punishment rather than assessment as they are intended and how does that affect learning?
5/23/2017 - What steps can an administrator take to get teachers digitally literate, confident & using technology?
5/16/2017 - How can a progressive, innovative teacher thrive and survive under controlling and repressive administrator afraid of change?
5/2/2017 - We often hear how student voice makes a difference. How much voice should they have in which areas of education?
4/25/2017 - What is the best way to offer Professional Development to educators?
4/18/2017 - If social media and being connected affects professional development in any significant way how do we support it?
4/11/2017 - Should workforce development be a primary goal of education or should the primary goal be something else?
4/4/2017 - How much autonomy should teachers have in regard to curriculum?
3/28/2017 - Are Educational Conferences effective? How can they be more effective?
3/21/2017 - With all of the talk of innovation in education, how does the system actively promote & support innovation in education?
3/14/2017 - Is it possible to create a modern, relevant curriculum using open sources from the Internet instead of textbooks?
3/7/2017 - How has your school gotten beyond the 20th century mindset of compliance & control, opening to student voice & choice?
2/21/2017 - How do we teach critical thinking to our kids to understand facts, opinions, and fake news?
2/7/2017 - Should the USA continue to develop one set of standards for the country, or allow each state to settle standards on its own?
1/31/2017 - How can we prepare students to be informed citizens in democracy in an age of filtering in schools?
1/24/2017 - Who has real power to affect change in education; The Sec of Education, Superintendent, Principal, or Teacher?
1/17/2017 - How does the maker movement crossover to cover all subject areas in an academic schedule?
1/10/2017 - How do we effectively teach critical thinking in areas that students need most in all academic subjects?
1/3/2017 - 7PM - With the new year beginning is there anything you will be doing differently now that you have never done before?
12/13/2016 - 7PM - How do we move from simple compliance to meaningful engagement in learning?
12/6/2016 - 7PM - How essential is a school-wide discipline policy as part of the school culture, and how should that be enforced?
11/29/2016 - 7PM - How important are lesson plans for experienced teachers?
11/15/2016 - 7PM - If great teaching is based on great relationships, should educators be connected to their students on Social Media?
11/8/2016 - 7PM - Are teachers held to different standards in terms of free speech and privacy when compared to other professions?
11/1/2016 - 7PM - As we get thru the 2nd decade of the 21st Cent, are we finding new tchrs prepared by colleges in use of tech,methodology & pedagogy?
11/1/2016 - 1700CET - How much voice should students have in the everyday governing of a class, school, or district?
10/25/2016 - 7PM - If we had the ability to create mandated elective courses for High School seniors what should be included?
10/25/2016 - 1700CET - Why will we never see being a connected educator ever catch on with a majority of educators in our system?
10/18/2016 - 7PM - What are the best ways to promote the positive things happening in schools?
10/18/2016 - 1700CET - How would it behoove High School Seniors to be required to take a seminar type course dealing with decision making?10/11/2016 - 7PM - How do we define Authentic Learning and to what extent should it be used in classrooms of today?
10/11/2016 - 1700CET - We have heard year round school would benefit Ss. If the pay for educators was commensurate with the time, could this work?
10/4/2016 - 7PM - Many educators are dissatisfied with PD. What are the specific shortcomings of PD as you know it?
10/4/2016 - 1700CET - Should the norm be for Ss to have the opportunity to retake failed exams or just continue without revisiting the subject?
9/27/2016 - 7PM - Should digital literacy be a job requirement for educators and how would that be defined?
9/27/2016 - 1700CET - Are current hiring practices providing the best adminstrators & teachers? What could make them more effective?
9/20/2016 - 7PM - Where are we really with the Common Core initiative? Has it gained local, State, or National acceptance? is it working?
9/20/2016 - 1700CET - Are Lecture and Direct Instruction the primary methods of instruction, or has anything else been accepted by educators?
9/13/2016 - 7PM - In addition to content what are essential skills and ideas students should master or at least be exposed to?
9/13/2016 - 1700CET - Why do so many teachers hold on to outdated ideas about the positive impact of homework while the negatives are the reality?
9/6/2016 - 7PM - If the education system were to abandon standardized tests, how could we insure every child receives an adequate education?
9/6/2016 - 1700CET - What are the indicators of a Good/Poor school culture and how should they be used to improve it?
8/30/2016 - 7PM - Who or what has had the most positive effect on your role in education and what does that look like in what you do?
8/30/2016 - 1700CET - Why should educators be considering organizing schools by some means other than a student's age?
8/23/2016 - 7PM - Are tchr coaches a productive, cost effective strategy of continuing Professional Development for schools? Benefits/Drawbacks?
8/23/2016 - 1800CET - What does a teacher's autonomy look like. How much should a teacher have, and how should that be determined?
8/16/2016 - 7PM - How are Education conferences effective sources of professional development for most teachers?
8/16/2016 - 1700CET - Should politics never be discussed in the classroom, or embraced for teachable moments?
8/9/2016 - 7PM - As a teacher what will you do differently this year to improve learning in your class?
8/9/2016 - 1700CET - What should be the teacher's focus on the first day back to school for students?
8/2/2016 - 7PM - Should new teachers starting their first job be given special consideration in the first years? What should that looks like?
8/2/2016 - 1700CET - Why is play in learning important and how can we play more in schools?
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10/22/2019 - Given the opportunity to rebuild your classroom and school, what would they look like?
10/15/2019 - How has Google and YouTube changed the way we teach and learn?
10/8/2019 - Do you feel that Professional Development addresses you as an experienced, adult learner?
10/1/2019 - Is a model of education where students have choice in their learning and teachers are more like mentors a realistic expectation?
9/24/2019 - How has blogging or podcasting had any influence on education, educators, or students?
9/17/2019 - What kind of systemic change needs to happen to support learners of the 21st century and how can we make that change happen?
9/10/2019 - With technology today offering content and context access anytime and anywhere should in-class seat time be a requirement for PD?
9/3/2019 - For decades teachers were told that research supports that class size does not matter. Although disproven, many still believe it. Thoughts?
8/27/2019 - If student teacher relationships are the basis for good education, is it ever appropriate for social media contact?
8/20/2019 - What are some successful first day of school suggestions or activities that you would give a new teacher?
8/13/2019 - Parents are often seen as adversarial in terms of education. How do we get parents to partner with teachers in the education of their kids?
8/6/2019 - When we refer to school culture, what elements of school and education are specifically being discussed?
7/30/2019 - What are the changes we need to make so as not to lose so many new teachers in their first 5 years?
7/23/2019 - In addition to rows and homework what are other mainstays in education that are slow to change?
7/16/2019 - What mandates in education do you feel are the most misguided?
7/9/2019 - How much could districts benefit by assessing their entire staff for current tech literacy and knowledge of education methodology?
7/2/2019 - How much autonomy should a teacher have when it comes to curriculum and methodology?
6/25/2019 - What are three practices or traditions in the culture of your school that could hinder/help the success of a new teacher?
6/18/2019 - How best can a teacher sell a new idea to an administrator who may be slow to change?
6/11/2019 - What has been your best source for professional development?
6/4/2019 - Why are so many educators resistant to professional development?
5/28/2019 - Is there a problem in education with a majority of teachers being women and a majority of administrators being men?
5/21/2019 - How has the use of social media as a tool for professional learning changed in the last 10 years? It is still an effective medium?
5/14/2019 - How can schools foster better communication with all stakeholders?
5/7/2019 - How can we continue to promote deeper learning for students beyond summative testing at the end of the year?
4/30/2019 - How political is public education and what effect does that have on our society?
4/23/2019 - From an educator’s point of view what does successful learning look like and how do we assess it?
4/16/2019 - What’s the balance needed for a 21st Century educator when it comes to a knowledge of content vs. a knowledge of the practice of education?
4/9/2019 - With so many educators acknowledging that the current system of education needs to change why do so few things in the system ever change?
4/2/2019 - Is the conventional method of grading supporting learning? If it is not supporting learning, should it be replaced?
2/19/2019 - If a quiz is formative assessment to gauge a student’s understanding of a lesson, then should the score on the quiz count in the student’s overall average? Is an average of quiz scores a valid assessment?
2/12/2019 - Should there be restrictions on the amount of homework that may be assigned?
2/5/2019 - How do we support a movement for supportive, effective, and collaborative professional development for all educators?
1/29/2019 - What is the major difference between teaching in the 20th Century and teaching today?
1/22/2019 - How does professional development you are most often exposed to fall short in meeting your needs?
1/15/2019 - If tomorrow your superintendent issued a statement that there will be no more report cards, what could replace them?
1/8/2019 - What else do we need in addition to trust and relationships to successfully teach and lead?
12/18/2018 - How do we identify kids who “fall through the cracks”? Do the quiet, cooperative and compliant kids get the attention they need?
12/11/2018 - In what ways are educators who are parents affected by their own kids in regard to their education philosophy?
12/4/2018 - Has the tribalism and political separation found throughout the country in general seeped into the classroom?
11/27/2018 - What is the role of school leadership in professional development?
11/20/2018 - How has the backlash to high stakes standardized testing settled down amongst educators and parents?
11/13/2018 - Should teacher certification in each state be more aligned nationally requiring a masters degree in education?
11/6/2018 - What are the key factors that interview committees should look at for in teacher applicants?
10/30/2018 - Do teachers view observations more as threatening and intimidating, or constructive and helpful?
10/23/2018 - Should educators be encouraged to use tools of technology to contact and communicate with parents?
10/16/2018 - What would be the effect of grouping kids by interest or mastery as opposed to age in education?
10/2/2018 - Considering the fact that women educators make up the majority of the profession, are women proportionally represented in its leadership? Does that matter?
9/25/2018 - Is content still king, or is it more important how kids interact with any content?
9/18/2018 - The "How to Learn" is a timeless teaching objective. An important and challenging question is: What are some other timeless or enduring teaching objectives?
9/11/2018 - How have search engines like Google and YouTube affected education specifically to teaching?
9/4/2018 - Is personalized learning practical and worth pursuing for your students, or should it be limited to a focus on your own professional development?
8/28/2018 - If student voice is so important in education what involvement do your students have in the decisions about their own education?
8/21/2018 - What are the best elements of your classroom procedures and how do your students respond to them?
8/14/2018 - What should formative assessment look like and how can it be balanced with summative assessment over the course of a lesson?
8/7/2018 - How much does the culture of a school direct its staff, or how much does the staff direct the culture of the school?
8/2/2016 - 7/31/2018 - Archive Collection
8/18/2015 - 7/26/2016 - Archive Collection
8/5/2014 - 8/11/2015 - Archive Collection
8/6/2013 - 7/29/2014 - Archive collection
8/14/2012 - 7/30/2013 Archive collection
9/13/2011 - 7/31/2012 Archive collection
1/4/2011 - 9/6/2011 Archive collection
9/29/2009 - 12/14/2010 Archive collection
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