I agree with this concern of teachers leaving the field after five years. There hasn't really been enough support for them. When I first began teaching, I was thrown into a classroom of second graders who had reading problems. Noone was available to give suggestions, tips, advice, or mentoring. I will never forget my pricnipal's reaction when I asked if I would be given a mentor. He just snickered and replied emphatically, "No!" I don't know how I survived! I just asked many questions and read as much as I could find on classroom management. I will never forget the lessons I learned by reading "The First Days of School", by Harry Wong. He taught me more than I learned in college about classroom management. I am successful today because of him! Yes, I survived my first years of teaching, but it wasn't easy. We have to provide support and advice to these brave, new people so that this profession will continue to thrive and children will get the best education possible in our country.
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