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Archive Teacher Rewards

Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 14 years, 5 months ago

April 13th, 2010 12pm EST/ 6pm CET

Topic: How should successful and innovative teaching and teachers be rewarded?



3:59 pm 808lika: RT @ShellTerrell: If you are new to #Edchat or have any questions plz feel free to ask @rliberni & me!
3:59 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: Let me say @rliberni & I are so excited to be back moderating #Edchat this wk! We missed every1 #edchat
4:00 pm ShellTerrell: RT @zulfadly: @ShellTerrell #edchat starting now? Yes!
4:00 pm MatthiasHeil: Hi everybody, let's have fun... #edchat
4:00 pm alexgfrancisco: #Edchat Plz join! Topic: How should successful teaching and teachers be rewarded?
4:00 pm anaok: RT @reportertanya: Third-Graders Teach Each Other Through Skype, Google Talk http://bit.ly/9yPimQ #edtech #edchat
4:00 pm pharmakon: @akenuam HB7189 has caused more sick days than H1N1!! #edchat
4:01 pm tomwhitby: @rliberni @ShellTerrell Thanks for the Moderation today. #Edchat
4:01 pm Aaron_Eyler: With the joy of knowing that they have made a large impact in the lives of kids. #edchat
4:01 pm eduinnovation: #edchat starts at noon EST. Topic: How should successful teaching and teachers be rewarded?
4:01 pm rliberni: Don't forget to add the hashtag #edchat to the end of your tweets or use tweetgridhttp://bit.ly/1fQ9oY
4:01 pm akenuam: lol @pharmakon Hopefully it ends well on Friday. #edchat
4:01 pm CHuckeba: Wishes #edchat started a little later as this is my lunch time.
4:01 pm rkiker: students say it cant be based on grades, because teachers will cheat :) #edchat
4:01 pm olafelch: I asked my headmaster today. He said satisfaction in a job well done was reward enough! ;o) #edchat
4:02 pm rliberni: @tomwhitby gr8 to be back after an exciting week where Shelly and I met in person!! #edchat
4:02 pm ShellTerrell: #Edchat Topic: How should successful teaching and teachers be rewarded?
4:02 pm pharmakon: Maybe a more important question to ask first is how to measure successful teaching? #edchat
4:02 pm rkiker: also students dont like bonuses, because it makes too much competition and that is not teaching #edchat
4:02 pm StarrMatica: My tweets for the next hour will be dedicated to #edchat Join us! Topic: How should successful teaching and teachers be rewarded?
4:02 pm FLHOUSEDEMS: Shameless plug to friends on #edchat. Florida House Democratic Caucus members have been proud to support educators this session.
4:02 pm web20classroom: RT @tomwhitby: @rliberni @ShellTerrell Thanks for the Moderation today. #Edchat
4:02 pm hadleyjf: What do teachers want? #edchat
4:02 pm teachingwthsoul: Starting now! RT @alexgfrancisco: #Edchat Plz join! Topic: How should successful teaching and teachers be rewarded?
4:02 pm ShellTerrell: #edchat topic: How should successful and innovative teaching and teachers be rewarded?
4:02 pm rliberni: So, how should teachers be rewarded for excellence? Or should they? #edchat
4:02 pm Showmyhomework: @retorta #Edchat Ahh thank you. I'm still getting to grips with how to use it..Thanks
4:02 pm MissCheska: For the next hour, my tweets are dedicated to #edchat! Join us
4:03 pm akenuam: how should successful teaching and teachers be measured..... authentically, not using standardized tests "learning gains" #edchat
4:03 pm 808lika: RT @ShellTerrell: #Edchat Topic: How should successful teaching and teachers be rewarded?
4:03 pm eduinnovation: What is the measure of "success" that is being used to based the "reward" on? What is a 'reward" different for many..$$, recognition #edchat
4:03 pm ESLlibrary: RT @ShellTerrell: #edchat topic: How should successful and innovative teaching and teachers be rewarded?
4:03 pm ShellTerrell: #Edchat How do innovative teachers get rewarded in your schools currently?
4:03 pm olafelch: @rkiker Competition is a fact of life in the world. Why not in schools? #edchat
4:03 pm ShellTerrell: RT @olafelch: I asked my headmaster today. He said satisfaction in a job well done was reward enough! ;o) #edchat
4:03 pm teachingwthsoul: For the next hour, my tweets are dedicated to #edchat! Join us
4:03 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: Education costs money, but then so does ignorance. -- Claus Moser #edchat
4:03 pm ESLlibrary: RT @eduinnovation: What is the measure of "success" that is being used to based the "reward" on? What is a 'reward" different for many..$$, recognition #edchat
4:03 pm tomwhitby: @pharmakon Like pornography: Can't define it, but I know it when I see it. #edchat
4:03 pm jpsteltz: RT @ShellTerrell: #edchat topic: How should successful and innovative teaching and teachers be rewarded?
4:03 pm flourishingkids: Teachers should be rewarded with more opportunities to develop passions and integrate with their teaching. #edchat
4:04 pm openstudy: #Edchat How do innovative teachers get rewarded in your schools currently? (via @ShellTerrell)
4:04 pm web20classroom: @ShellTerrell Most of the time it is expected...but sometimes a nice pat on the back... #Edchat
4:04 pm analomba: Thx for RT @PreKlanguages @jannachiang Wow! This website is like a gold mine for educators (including parents :) http://bit.ly/2bXZ8 #edchat
4:04 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: @rkiker Competition is a fact of life in the world. Why not in schools? #edchat
4:04 pm ShellTerrell: @tomwhitby @web20classroom Yes! We are excited to be back! Will we be getting your input this session! That would be awesome #Edchat
4:04 pm MatthiasHeil: A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. (Henry Brooks Adams) --- that's ample reward for me #edchat
4:04 pm StarrMatica: RT @flourishingkids: Teachers should be rewarded with more opportunities to develop passions and integrate with their teaching. #edchat
4:04 pm akenuam: teachers should be rewarded with respect first and foremost, creative freedom next, and theres always the salary conversation. #edchat
4:04 pm izadmajid: @zulfadly interesting topic for #edchat. if only we could get us Brunei teachers to do discussions like this.
4:04 pm olafelch: @eduinnovation Quite aside from anything else, recognition is very important. #edchat
4:04 pm pharmakon: @tomwhitby then how to identify and reward? Does it take place at the school level? #edchat
4:05 pm zulfadly: Wishful thinking: A big fat bonus and an extended holiday LOL #edchat
4:05 pm learningcouncil: #edchat
4:05 pm MissCheska: @rliberni I think excellent teachers should be given $$ to pay for their PD or if they decide to pursue higher degrees #edchat
4:05 pm rliberni: Should pride in our work be satisfaction enough? #edchat
4:05 pm ShellTerrell: #Edchat To play devil's advocate- Does any1 believe rewards not effective for teachers, that the passion to teach itself is enough?
4:05 pm rliberni: RT @pharmakon: @tomwhitby then how to identify and reward? Does it take place at the school level? #edchat
4:05 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: RT @olafelch: @rkiker Competition is a fact of life in the world. Why not in schools? #edchat
4:05 pm olafelch: RT @pharmakon: @tomwhitby then how to identify and reward? Does it take place at the school level? #edchat I think it has to.
4:05 pm angelbrady: @rliberni Money is always a good motivator to do well, but also money to fund projects is good too #edchat
4:05 pm Mamacita: I would be ecstatic to be rewarded by being sent to the conferences of my choice! #edchat
4:05 pm teachingwthsoul: Never expected monetary rewards. Was honored to be rewarded early on by being asked to present at numerous conf. with my principal. #edchat
4:05 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: Should pride in our work be satisfaction enough? #edchat
4:05 pm jpsteltz: proper, professional recognition from admin that most teacher bust their butts to help children #edchat
4:05 pm StarrMatica: @flourishingkids I agree. "Time" would be a wonderful reward. Time to plan creative lessons and explore my passion 4 tech. in ed. #edchat
4:05 pm AndreaGenevieve: RT @ShellTerrell: #edchat topic: How should successful and innovative teaching and teachers be rewarded?
4:05 pm archaeologist: Awarding teachers for excellence = figuring out what excellence means given limitations of each school #edchat
4:05 pm Brunsell: In higher ed, we get rewarded for doing a good job by being asked to serve on more committees ;) #edchat
4:05 pm akenuam: RT @MissCheska: I think excellent teachers should be given $ t2 pay for their PD or if they decide to pursue higher degrees #edchat
4:05 pm hadleyjf: RT @akenuam: teachers should be rewarded with respect first, creative freedom next, and theres always the salary conversation. #edchat
4:06 pm eduinnovation: Based on Daniel Pink's book "Drive" and the Brafman brother's book "Sway" it seems "rewards" are a misguided effort #edchat
4:06 pm usamimi74: I'm searching for #edchat live on TweetGrid Search - http://tweetgrid.com/search?q=%23edchat
4:06 pm rliberni: @MissCheska good idea training is key so this could be a gr8 reward #edchat
4:06 pm ESLlibrary: Successful teachers should be recognized more in school and in their community. Schools should make extra effort in recognition. #edchat
4:06 pm openstudy: "Successful" teachers at Ga Tech, get tenure. #edchat
4:06 pm cybraryman1: Great teachers should be paid more money as mentors or lead teachers to help other teachers #edchat
4:06 pm olafelch: RT @MissCheska: @rliberni Excellent teachers should be given $$ to pay for their PD or if they decide to pursue higher degrees #edchat
4:06 pm deerwood: RT @jpsteltz: proper, professional recognition from admin that most teacher bust their butts to help children #edchat
4:06 pm ShellTerrell: RT @MatthiasHeil: A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. (Henry Brooks Adams) -ample reward 4 me #edchat
4:06 pm dorieturner: @teachingwthsoul I'm wondering what teachers think about RttT? #edchat
4:06 pm akenuam: lol @Brunsell - i think we should be rewarded with more TIME, differentiated PD opportunities is a good start #edchat
4:06 pm rliberni: @angelbrady I don't think money motivates I think it has to be someting of value but not cash #edchat
4:06 pm pharmakon: If a starting teacher's salary was 50k, there would be no problem about getting "highly qualified" applicants for those positions! #edchat
4:06 pm MissCheska: @ShellTerrell That's a toughie - in my observations, the good effective teachers get more workloads! #Edchat
4:06 pm ShellTerrell: RT @zulfadly: Wishful thinking: A big fat bonus and an extended holiday LOL #edchat
4:06 pm jpsteltz: for me, money is not an incentive to do better...#edchat
4:06 pm MZimmer557: rewards need to be given to those teachers that do more: Club Sponsor, Coach, Team Leader, Dept. Head, etc, etc, etc #edchat
4:06 pm rkiker: @rliberni I agree and I like competion because I have no problem holding my own :) #edchat
4:06 pm ESLlibrary: RT @olafelch: RT @MissCheska: @rliberni Excellent teachers should be given $$ to pay for their PD or if they decide to pursue higher degrees #edchat
4:07 pm olafelch: @cybraryman1 Do you mean promotion as a reward? #edchat
4:07 pm StarrMatica: @rliberni I like the idea of funds for PD and higher education. That is already built in to the benefits of many other careers. #edchat
4:07 pm akenuam: we differentiate when teaching our students, why not in training our teachers? #edchat
4:07 pm teachingwthsoul: Honored to also lead many PD's for staff and parents. #edchat
4:07 pm flourishingkids: Teachers who give back by mentoring, taking extra training should be rewarded by stipends to study/pursue more learning opps. #edchat
4:07 pm ShellTerrell: My experience as well! RT @MissCheska: That's a toughie - in my observations, the good effective teachers get more workloads! #Edchat
4:07 pm rliberni: RT @MatthiasHeil: A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. (H Brooks Adams) -ample reward 4 me #edchat
4:07 pm tomwhitby: @pharmakon A common measure is difficult and may vary from school to school. #edchat
4:07 pm olafelch: RT @MZimmer557: rewards need to be given to those teachers that do more: Club Sponsor, Coach, Team Leader, Dept. Head, etc, #edchat
4:07 pm eduinnovation: When I think of this question I can't really say honestly what I would want as a "reward" What do you want? #edchat
4:07 pm AndreaGenevieve: money sure is not incentive to be innovative. Passion should seed innovation #edchat
4:07 pm web20classroom: But what is innovative teaching? If we see something "Innovative" shouldn't that just be the way we all teach? #edchat
4:08 pm Julian3576: @ShellTerrell #Edchat How do innovative teachers get rewarded currently? <??? as long as a class get good SATS innovation is just a bonus.
4:08 pm evab2001: How true! RT @MissCheska @ShellTerrell That&apos;s a toughie - in my observations, the good effective teachers get more workloads! #Edchat
4:08 pm michellek107: I think money as a reward (i.e. merit pay) is detrimental to collaboration in education. #edchat
4:08 pm teachingwthsoul: @dorieturner Our teachers in Cali are mortified! More testing, less time for real learning. #edchat
4:08 pm rliberni: @ShellTerrell children who excell often get xtra work too! Success can be punishing! #edchat
4:08 pm jpsteltz: RT @flourishingkids: Teachers who give back by mentoring, taking extra training should be rewarded by stipends to study/pursue more learning opps. #edchat
4:08 pm D3OT: @rliberni Is the TEFL industry unique in relying on non-monetary rewards to keep employees motivated? #edchat
4:08 pm olafelch: @akenuam How should we differentiate in teacher training? #edchat
4:08 pm MatthiasHeil: @deerwood @jpsteltz "proper, professional recognition from admin" - what exactly do you mean by that? #edchat
4:08 pm aliflorida: RT @olafelch: @MZimmer557: rewards s/b be given to those teachers that do more: Club Sponsor, Coach, Team Leader, Dept. Head, etc, #edchat
4:08 pm pharmakon: @tomwhitby and grade to grade, class to class, etc etc. #edchat
4:08 pm EricTownsley: RT @MZimmer557: rewards need to be given to those teachers that do more: Club Sponsor, Coach, Team Leader, Dept. Head, etc, etc, etc #edchat
4:08 pm angelbrady: @rliberni I mean money in the sense of funding a project or technology that teacher wanted to use in class #edchat
4:08 pm ShellTerrell: @MissCheska In my experience the eff tchrs given the stdts that need the most help then punished w/ highstakes testing system #edchat
4:08 pm rkiker: How about rewards to teachers that engage kids in community? Like building local websites or community service? #edchat
4:08 pm cybraryman1: @olafelch I served as a lead teacher to mentor new teachers and I was paid more. I did go for training as a lead teacher. #edchat
4:08 pm deerwood: #edchat Few teachers enter the profession for the money but that shouldn't become an excuse for poor pay and exploitation of time
4:09 pm StarrMatica: Doesn't offering a reward imply that teachers aren't already working as hard as they can for their students? #edchat
4:09 pm rliberni: @olafelch should we have leader boards then? Teacher of the month (they have this in industry) #edchat
4:09 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Julian3576: #Edchat How do innovative teachers get rewarded currently? <??? as long as a class get good SATS innovation is just a bonus.
4:09 pm TheNerdyTeacher: @MissCheska - I agree. The better you do your job, the more responsibility you get. Is that a reward? #edchat
4:09 pm akenuam: RT @deerwood: Fewteachers enter profession for the money but that shouldn't become an excuse for poor pay and exploitation of time #edchat
4:09 pm flourishingkids: @eduinnovation Yes, hard to say what we want. Many of us have to pay for our prof. development. I would like more opp. 2 learn! #edchat
4:09 pm usamimi74: I like the idea of "incentives": conference for Teach who actualy use it, Tech hardware distribution based on extra training & use #edchat
4:09 pm michellek107: Rewards 4 'successful' teaching=stipends to attend conf's, additional opps for PD THAT I CHOOSE (important!) #edchat
4:09 pm rliberni: RT @tomwhitby: @pharmakon Once a school establishes a model of excellence it should model it for its teachers #edchat
4:09 pm olafelch: @cybraryman1 That's a fair reward. #edchat
4:09 pm StarrMatica: @MissCheska In my experience the eff tchrs given the stdts that need the most help then punished w/ highstakes testing system #edchat -ditto
4:10 pm izadmajid: RT @zulfadly: When a student tells you how much you've influenced their lives. That in itself is a reward you can't buy #edchat
4:10 pm BryantHistoryT: #edchat Money is the root of too many problems. Financial incentives will do more harm than good
4:10 pm web20classroom: @eplybon Exactly...it just is the way we do it...therefore, should that be rewarded? #edchat
4:10 pm rliberni: @angelbrady aha yes I agree #edchat
4:10 pm TheNerdyTeacher: RT @cybraryman1: Great teachers should be paid more money as mentors or lead teachers to help other teachers #edchat
4:10 pm l_missbossy: In my case a Thank You would be rewarding enough #edchat
4:10 pm Brunsell: I fully agree that a good "reward" is PD money used for professional growth OR more innovation. #edchat
4:10 pm raffelsol: I am rewarded when a student has graduated and comes back to visit. means I made a difference in their life. #edchat
4:10 pm MissCheska: @ShellTerrell Exactly! Puts them bw a rock & a hard place - but maybe that's y admin do that bc they know eff tchrs will find a way! #edchat
4:10 pm rliberni: @D3OT what rewards do you mean? #edchat
4:10 pm AndreaGenevieve: @usamimi74 tech rewards would be amazing! #edchat
4:10 pm usamimi74: RT @michellek107: Rewards 4 'successful' teaching=stipends to attend conf's, additional opps for PD THAT I CHOOSE #edchat
4:10 pm michellek107: @dorieturner I think #rttt is ridiculous and turns education into a contest. Adds more 'haves' and 'have nots.' #edchat
4:10 pm akenuam: @deerwood and i have always wondered how the historic gender wage gap has played a role in teachers low salaries today #edchat
4:10 pm rkiker: I would personally like rewards like tuition reimbursement and PD- even a ticket to NECC! #edchat
4:10 pm cnansen: RT @michellek107: I think money as a reward (i.e. merit pay) is detrimental to collaboration in education. #edchat
4:10 pm Nashua_Online: A Student's Views / Technology and Learning - Inside Higher Ed: http://bit.ly/aI2Mw5 via #edchat
4:10 pm worsttofirst: Reward Innovation: Dist. need better channels 2 service learning grants which incl. teacher stipends #edchat
4:10 pm StarrMatica: RT @usamimi74: I like the idea of "incentives": conference for Teach who actualy use it, hardware distribution based training & use #edchat
4:10 pm MatthiasHeil: Teacher Salaries - International Comparison: http://bit.ly/94qWdL #edchat
4:10 pm olafelch: @akenuam In some countries the money is significant, as is the job security. #edchat
4:10 pm ShellTerrell: Why does Edu policy punish tchrs - take tenure, fire, limit benefits? Edu policy pro teachers would be reward for me! #Edchat
4:11 pm sjhannam: @ShellTerrell #edchat. Passion 4 teaching important.So is a living wage.Mybe some teachers lucky that 2nd not priority (other income)?
4:11 pm teachingwthsoul: RT @rkiker: I would personally like rewards like tuition reimbursement and PD- even a ticket to NECC! #edchat
4:11 pm flourishingkids: @web20classroom agree that we should all be innovating, but we all know of teachers who cruise in &out at the bell and make more $ #edchat
4:11 pm rkiker: RT @Brunsell: I fully agree that a good "reward" is PD money used for professional growth OR more innovation. #edchat
4:11 pm olafelch: RT @MatthiasHeil: Teacher Salaries - International Comparison: http://bit.ly/94qWdL #edchat
4:11 pm rliberni: RT @rkiker: I would personally like rewards like tuition reimbursement and PD- even a ticket to NECC! #edchat
4:11 pm tomwhitby: @pharmakon Thdere are some acceptable guidelines and skills.-authentic learning, problem solving, collaboration #edchat
4:11 pm pharmakon: @tomwhitby so what may be reward at one school may not in another, depending on the model! So many slippery slopes! #edchat
4:11 pm MissCheska: @rliberni What about giving teachers venue to showcase their good work? Let them present @ conferences, speakers, etc #edchat
4:11 pm wmchamberlain: The best reward for me would be for my students to be exempted from the high stakes test. #edchat
4:11 pm flourishingkids: RT @rliberni: RT @tomwhitby: @pharmakon Once a school establishes a model of excellence it should model it for its teachers #edchat
4:11 pm eduinnovation: If we provide tangible reward for good teachers...do we have to provide tangible reward for good learners? #edchat
4:11 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: Why does Edu policy punish tchrs - tenure, fire, limit benefits? Edu policy pro teachers would be reward for me #edchat
4:11 pm BryantHistoryT: RT @thenerdyteacher RT @cybraryman1: Our mentor program is somewhat competitive and eveyone who serves is paid the same. #edchat
4:11 pm kbconway1: SO TRUE! RT@AndreaGenevieve Passion should seed innovation #edchat
4:11 pm TheNerdyTeacher: @usamimi74 @michellek107 #edchat - I love the conf $ reward idea. Let me find helpful PD.
4:12 pm kaltsas: RT @pharmakon: If a starting teacher's salary was 50k, there would be no problem about getting "highly qualified" applicants for those positions! #edchat
4:12 pm sjhannam: @ShellTerrell #edchat. Living wage,support and development opportunity,feeling valued in profession,tech/educ resources. All important.
4:12 pm rliberni: RT @MissCheska: What about giving teachers venue to showcase their good work? Let them present @ conferences, speakers, etc #edchat
4:12 pm tomwhitby: @pharmakon Forget Merit pay. Use money to support best practices and mentoring programs. #edchat
4:12 pm akenuam: @olafelch: i think any of us with families thinks $ and job security r crucial components... #edchat
4:12 pm l_missbossy: RT @MissCheska: @rliberni What about giving teachers venue to showcase their good work? Let them present @ conferences, speakers, etc #edchat
4:12 pm abfromz: RT @MatthiasHeil: Teacher Salaries - International Comparison: http://bit.ly/94qWdL #edchat
4:12 pm dorieturner: @michellek107 @teachingwithsoul So, you all prefer formula-style funding to competitive grants? #edchat
4:12 pm solivo11: In this economy, stipends seem unrealistic. But, effective teachers are always looking for more time. #edchat
4:12 pm AndreaGenevieve: @MissCheska I think sharing ideas and innovation is a great way to reward educators. More can benefit from it #edchat
4:12 pm akenuam: how can i give 210% to my job when being forced to work two jobs to feed the kids? #edchat
4:12 pm ShellTerrell: How about asking innovative teachers to run workshops? This would be an intrinsic reward #edchat
4:12 pm olafelch: @rliberni Leader Boards... Ouch! But there should be some sort of transparency regarding performance. #edchat
4:12 pm rliberni: @MissCheska I agree I think recognition can be very powerful and gvining peopleopportunities to demonstrate beyond their school #edchat
4:12 pm ESLlibrary: How do others that are successful in their professions get rewarded? doctors, engineers, artists - with higher pay. #edchat
4:12 pm betswan: RT @rliberni: RT @rkiker: I would personally like rewards like tuition reimbursement and PD- even a ticket to NECC! #edchat
4:12 pm akenuam: RT @tomwhitby: @pharmakon Forget Merit pay. Use money to support best practices and mentoring programs. #edchat
4:12 pm ShellTerrell: RT @sjhannam: #edchat. Passion 4 teaching important.So is a living wage.Mybe some teachers lucky that 2nd not priority (other income)?
4:13 pm MZimmer557: we are "rewarding" teachers who use tech by providing tech to them as part of my job...so far it seems to be working. More FLIP use #edchat
4:13 pm rkiker: I would like to see teachers who engage and promote respect reward as opposed to dictators in the classroom-that is real world #edchat
4:13 pm ShellTerrell: RT @sjhannam: #edchat. Living wage,support and development opportunity,feeling valued in profession,tech/educ resources. All important.
4:13 pm jpsteltz: how r we measuring effective teachers? #edchat
4:13 pm ShellTerrell: RT @abfromz: RT @MatthiasHeil: Teacher Salaries - International Comparison: http://bit.ly/94qWdL #edchat
4:13 pm EricTownsley: To me, trust is a big key in admin/teacher relationships. If admin trust tchr to do the job, that says a lot! #edchat
4:13 pm physicscarp: Are there any communities that give teachers tax breaks for living in the same town they teach in? #edchat
4:13 pm ShellTerrell: RT @solivo11: In this economy, stipends seem unrealistic. But, effective teachers are always looking for more time. #edchat
4:13 pm ESLlibrary: Discussion of higher pay for better performance in teaching field is a taboo. #edchat
4:13 pm jpsteltz: what r standards 4 teachers? I could see teachers who don't 'bother' admin w/ discipline issues, etc. earning merit pay #edchat
4:13 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tomwhitby: Forget Merit pay. Use money to support best practices and mentoring programs. #edchat
4:13 pm JeanneBernish: RT @rliberni: @ShellTerrell children who excel often get xtra work too! Success can be punishing! #edchat #gifted
4:13 pm rliberni: @olafelch agreed (tongue in cheek) but yes aknowledging and celebrating success #edchat
4:13 pm MissCheska: @jpsteltz What does proper professional recognition look like? #edchat
4:13 pm ShellTerrell: RT @eduinnovation: If we provide tangible reward for good teachers...do we have to provide tangible reward for good learners? #edchat
4:13 pm tomwhitby: @pharmakon with more school to school the Dist to dist collaboration things will begin to standardize. Tech helps share stuff #edchat
4:13 pm teachingwthsoul: @ShellTerrell Do that alot in Cali: ask innovative teachers to run workshops This would be an intrinsic reward ##Edchat
4:13 pm jpsteltz: RT @MZimmer557: we are "rewarding" teachers who use tech by providing tech to them as part of my job...so far it seems to be working. More FLIP use #edchat
4:13 pm bhsprincipal: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @tomwhitby: Forget Merit pay. Use money to support best practices and mentoring programs. #edchat
4:13 pm cybraryman1: Extra pay should be provided if teachers are helping others (writing curriculum, mentoring, leading PD workshops..) #edchat
4:13 pm Brunsell: Highest paid degrees (2010 survey)...education is not on the list. http://www.teachingscience20.com/ #edchat
4:14 pm akenuam: @olafelch differentiate with different pd opportunities, roles in PD, etc #edchat
4:14 pm usamimi74: also like idea of gettin job guaranteed for 1 yr while these tchrs get 2 go help, LAWMAKERS figure out wat education is about & need #edchat
4:14 pm evab2001: @TheNerdyTeacher @misscheska I think it happens cos U want 2 work more,if U can stop urslf&do what u sppsed 2 do u bcome like others #edchat
4:14 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: Extra pay should be provided if teachers are helping others (writing curriculum, mentoring, leading PD workshops..) #edchat
4:14 pm mister_jim: #edchat I think schs should allow creative tchrs option 2 expand their creativity through support frm mgmt & space to implement their ideas
4:14 pm k_shelton: @rliberni @MissCheska I like that idea. Districts/schools should encourage conference participation via presentations etc. #edchat
4:14 pm olafelch: @akenuam I agree, but I get annoyed with colleagues who then complain about the conditions. #edchat
4:14 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: @MissCheska I agree recognition can be very powerful & giving ppl opportunities to demonstrate beyond their schl #edchat
4:14 pm insidetheschool: RT @izadmajid: RT @zulfadly: When a student tells you how much you've influenced their lives [...] is a reward you can't buy #edchat
4:14 pm akenuam: giving them a say in the policies that affect their everyday realities #edchat
4:14 pm rliberni: RT @Brunsell: Highest paid degrees (2010 survey)...education is not on the list. http://www.teachingscience20.com/ #edchat
4:14 pm MatthiasHeil: Both merit pay and best practices/mentoring programs may kindle envy, how/why are the latter two better? @tomwhitby #edchat
4:14 pm MissCheska: @thenerdyteacher Maybe in the admins' eyes it's a reward - more responsibility, more trust? #edchat
4:14 pm usamimi74: RT @physicscarp: Are there any communities that give teachers tax breaks for living in the same town they teach in? #edchat
4:14 pm ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @EricTownsley: trust is a big key in admin/teacher relationships. If admin trust tchr to do the job, that says a lot! #edchat
4:15 pm evab2001: @cybraryman1 extra pay 4 that, that will be gr8 #edchat
4:15 pm RussGoerend: RT @eduinnovation: If we provide tangible reward for good teachers...do we have to provide tangible reward for good learners? #edchat
4:15 pm MissCheska: @AndreaGenevieve Very true! Create a cycle of learning! #edchat
4:15 pm ShellTerrell: RT @physicscarp: Are there any communities that give teachers tax breaks for living in the same town they teach in? #edchat
4:15 pm teachingwthsoul: Thats how I saw it...RT @MissCheska: @thenerdyteacher Maybe in the admins' eyes it's a reward - more responsibility, more trust? #edchat
4:15 pm k_shelton: @cybraryman1 exactly. However, and unfortunately, many teachers do those very things but for free rather than being compensated #edchat
4:15 pm SheldonWordNerd: Yes! RT @MZimmer557: we are "rewarding" teachers who use tech by providing tech to them as part of my job...seems to be working. #edchat
4:15 pm pharmakon: Anyone else double-checking grammar and spelling in this chat full of teachers?! :D #edchat
4:15 pm worsttofirst: Reward Recruiting: Referral $$ to teachers 4 bringing NEW educators into EDU #edchat
4:15 pm nsharoff: so 'wrong' on so many level I don't know where 2 begin; plus WHO determines 'excellence' #edchat
4:15 pm ShellTerrell: RT @jpsteltz: what r standards 4 teachers? I could c tchrs who don't 'bother' admin w/ discipline issues, etc. earning merit pay #edchat
4:15 pm evab2001: RT @flourishingkids: I teach because I want to make a difference. When I enter my classroom, I simply want the support and respect to do my job well. #edchat
4:15 pm michellek107: @dorieturner #rttt was not really represented as grant $$. Seemed more like "Who's smarter than a 5th grader." #edchat
4:15 pm MZimmer557: I makes $20,000 less than the average American who has a Master's degree... Where is the reward in having that degree in edu? #edchat
4:15 pm rliberni: RT @MicheleBlueston: Perhaps the only "real" competition is the 1 with ourself-- do better than we did before-grow, learn, expand #edchat
4:15 pm olafelch: There are already a lot of suggestions for reward, but we are all skipping around the subject of how to measure success. #edchat
4:16 pm akenuam: my school let me pick my grade and subjects, design my own schedule, gave me more freedom - that made a world of diff 4 me. #edchat
4:16 pm eduinnovation: Maybe the best reward for great teachers is knowing that poor teachers will be "gently" removed from the profession. #edchat
4:16 pm usamimi74: RT @akenuam: giving them a say in the policies that affect their everyday realities #edchat
4:16 pm nsharoff: I know 4 myself, that my definition of 'excellence' changes year 2 year depending on my class #edchat
4:16 pm ShellTerrell: @teachingwthsoul I'd like my training led by teachers I know & admire than strangers I've never worked with #edchat
4:16 pm bhsprincipal: RT @akenuam: giving them a say in the policies that affect their everyday realities #edchat
4:16 pm l_missbossy: RT @olafelch: There are already a lot of suggestions for reward, but we are all skipping around the subject of how to measure success. #edchat
4:16 pm MZimmer557: especially when most Master's classes are "Here is your money, turn in the work, here is your A" kind of system #edchat
4:16 pm jpsteltz: @MissCheska frequent observations and positive professional discussion #edchat
4:16 pm zulfadly: RT @cybraryman1: Extra pay should be provided if teachers are helping others (writing curriculum, mentoring, leading PD workshops..) #edchat
4:16 pm dancallahan: @Brunsell if the "good" teachers get money for more PD, how does that help the other teachers get better? #edchat
4:16 pm rkiker: #edchat and let's not reward on test scores, when is the last time a manager was rewarded for an employee passing a quiz ?
4:16 pm Mamacita: @pharmakon Grammar and spelling determine whether or not I even bother to read something! #edchat
4:16 pm teachingwthsoul: Agree! RT @ShellTerrell: @teachingwthsoul I'd like my training led by teachers I know & admire than strangers I've never worked with #edchat
4:17 pm usamimi74: @pharmakon shrinkin tweets #edchat
4:17 pm michellek107: I would also like more time to observe teachers and classrooms outside my school/dist. That should be the norm, not a reward. #edchat
4:17 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @olafelch: A lot of suggestions for reward, but we are all skipping around the subject of how to measure success. #edchat
4:17 pm insidetheschool: Wouldn't this be nice? RT @rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: Extra pay should be provided if teachers are helping others [...] #edchat
4:17 pm SheldonWordNerd: @pharmakon I expect a high level of vocabulary, too :) #edchat
4:17 pm brendasherry: @MZimmer557 I definitely didn't do mine for the $$ here in Canada. It gets me $1000 extra per year and cost me $10 K #edchat
4:17 pm TheNerdyTeacher: @MissCheska #edchat More trust to be innovative is a good thing. Maybe 1st shot a PD funds or district grants. That's a reward.
4:17 pm cybraryman1: @k_shelton I know as I did not get anything for many of the things that I always did but I was glad to help teachers & children #edchat
4:17 pm VanessaSCassie: I'm sad that I have to miss #edchat today...keep me posted on great ideas shared later! (and I'll be looking for the archive too)
4:17 pm EricTownsley: @MZimmer557 I had to pay for my own masters, most companies pay for their employees to go back to school #edchat
4:17 pm teachernz: taht internation salaries chart is up to 6 years out of date. salary is comparative- as a teacher I earn double the average NZ wage #edchat
4:17 pm tomwhitby: Merit Pay:A tip Jar at the front of the class will speed us along to the race to the top! #edchat It does not work!
4:17 pm akenuam: @shellterrell Teach for America has a teachign as leadership rubric which is among the best i have seen- http://bit.ly/ca1PB7 #edchat
4:17 pm abfromz: RT @akenuam: my school gave me more freedom - that made a world of diff 4 me. - for me too! #edchat
4:17 pm ShellTerrell: @sjhannam You bring up great points! I think innovative tchrs dedicate so much time away fr their families we have to consider this #edchat
4:17 pm rliberni: RT @eduinnovation: Maybe the best reward for great teachers knowing that poor teachers will b "gently" removed from the profession. #edchat
4:17 pm DeputyMitchell: #edchat when things get tough, remember why you became a teacher! I love it when I'm in the classroom and the door is shut! Me & the pupils!
4:17 pm diemerpatrick: @MZimmer557 and you are more expensive for a district... #edchat
4:17 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tomwhitby: Merit Pay:A tip Jar at the front of the class will speed us along to the race to the top! #edchat It does not work!
4:18 pm rliberni: RT @EricTownsley: @MZimmer557 I had to pay for my own masters, most companies pay for their employees to go back to school #edchat
4:18 pm ESLlibrary: RT: @dancallahan @Brunsell if the "good" teachers get money for more PD, how does that help other teachers get better? #edchat - good questn
4:18 pm MatthiasHeil: Yes - I wonder who/what defines "best practice"/"high quality" in education... @olafelch #edchat
4:18 pm ShellTerrell: RT @akenuam: Teach for America has a teachign as leadership rubric which is among the best i have seen- http://bit.ly/ca1PB7 #edchat
4:18 pm web20classroom: @flourishingkids I would agree with that...but we all know money is not why we got into this so what is the reward? #edchat
4:18 pm pharmakon: @Mamacita @SheldonWordNerd fo' shizzle ;) #edchat
4:18 pm Mamacita: These days, just being treated like the professionals we are, & assuming we know what we're doing, would be payment, too. #edchat
4:18 pm technoarena: #edchat Successful and innovative teachers are rewarded with more responsibility and more work.
4:18 pm MissCheska: @pharmakon In my last district (NV) new tchrs w/ B.S. start @ 50K + benefits but they don't tell u start @ urban schls, sink or flot #edchat
4:18 pm Julian3576: @ShellTerrell #edchat Should teachers be seen as Chiefs striving for Michelin Stars, refining menu of teaching to gain top recognition?
4:18 pm dorieturner: How do teachers feel about Obama's ESEA blueprint? #edchat
4:18 pm MZimmer557: what about those teachers that don't see tech and PD as a reward? #edchat
4:18 pm olafelch: RT @michellek107: I'd like more time 2 observe teachers and classrooms outside my school/dist. Shd be the norm, not a reward #edchat
4:19 pm jhedger276: #edchat @DeputyMitchell , great advice. That is what I have to remind myself of all the time.
4:19 pm rliberni: RT @web20classroom: @flourishingkids I would agree with that...but we know money is'nt why we got into this so what is the reward? #edchat
4:19 pm akenuam: RT @Mamacita: just being treated like the professionals we are, & assuming we know what we're doing, would be payment, too. #edchat
4:19 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @web20classroom: @flourishingkids: Money is not why we got into this... --- Amen! #edchat
4:19 pm edtechsteve: Crud, the #edchat topic is the one I voted for and there's no way I can participate. :( Ah well
4:19 pm ShellTerrell: #edchat @betswan I agree! If my ideas were not always seen as skeptical at 1st that would show some support
4:19 pm mister_jim: #edchat sometimes a simple, "thank you for your hard work." is all it takes to make it all worthwhile.
4:19 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Julian3576: #edchat Should teachers be seen as Chiefs striving for Michelin Stars, refining menu of teaching to gain top recognition?
4:19 pm TheNerdyTeacher: @ShellTerrell @jpsteltz #edchat - I don't bother asmins with dis issues because they are my students, not someone elses problem.
4:19 pm deerwood: #edchat Does anyone find it rewarding to receive an apple?
4:19 pm usamimi74: @edtechsteve tonight @ 6. :) #edchat
4:19 pm cybraryman1: RT @michellek107: Rewards 4 'successful' teaching=stipends to attend conf's, additional opps for PD THAT I CHOOSE (important!) #edchat
4:19 pm MZimmer557: We promote teachers who have a Master's degree, but when it comes to new hires, some times the "cheaper" teacher gets hired #edchat
4:19 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: RT @michellek107: I'd like more time 2 observe teachers and classrooms outside my school/dist. Shd be the norm, #edchat
4:20 pm flourishingkids: @web20classroom Yes,agreed. $$definitely not why I got into it. I do not think money is the answer. I think maybe respect is reward #edchat
4:20 pm physicscarp: Schools could provide 0% loans for teachers to buy new tech. Allows teachers to try it at a minimal cost before school adopts it.#edchat
4:20 pm edutek: RT @akenuam: Teach for America has a teaching as leadership rubric which is among the best i have seen- http://bit.ly/ca1PB7 #edchat
4:20 pm pharmakon: @MissCheska the risks come with the rewards, I guess! #edchat
4:20 pm rliberni: RT @MatthiasHeil: RT @web20classroom: @flourishingkids: Money is not why we got into this... --- Amen! #edchat
4:20 pm teachingwthsoul: Aspiring admin asked me to "reward" them by letting them serve as Admin in charge. Helped them fulfill Admin requirements. Win-Win #edchat
4:20 pm MatthiasHeil: @mister_jim simple thank you: I can do without that if it's not honest/really meant #edchat
4:20 pm jpsteltz: AMEN RT @thenerdyteacher: @ShellTerrell #edchat - I don't bother asmins w/ dis issues b/c they are my students, not someone elses problem.
4:20 pm eduinnovation: Wall Street Journal recently had a piece on how performance reviews are useless. Need input daily, not once a year. #edchat
4:20 pm teachernz: if we were baby sitters $$$$ $20 an hour x 30 students Wow! Who gets into teaching for the $$$ ? #edchat
4:20 pm rliberni: RT @deerwood: #edchat Does anyone find it rewarding to receive an apple? Depends who gives it
4:20 pm TheNerdyTeacher: @MZimmer557 - Exactly. Salary bumps are the main reason teacher continue Ed. That and state mandates. #edchat
4:20 pm ESLlibrary: RT: @deerwood #edchat Does anyone find it rewarding to receive an apple? - LOL
4:20 pm akenuam: student loan forgiveness #edchat
4:20 pm olafelch: RT @Julian3576: #edchat Should teachers be seen as Chefs striving for Michelin Stars, refining menu of teaching to gain recognition?
4:20 pm Mamacita: RT @deerwood: #edchat Does anyone find it rewarding to receive an apple? //Only if it's the kind that begins with a capital letter.
4:20 pm michellek107: @web20classroom reward could be as simple as recognition from admin and commun., additional leadership opportunities. #edchat
4:20 pm web20classroom: @flourishingkids Yea...or at least the acknowledment of a job well done... #edchat
4:20 pm ShellTerrell: @Julian3576 @andytgeezer I think the high stakes testing policies most unmotivating teacher policy there is #Edchat
4:21 pm rliberni: RT @TheNerdyTeacher: @MZimmer557 - Exactly. Salary bumps are the main reason teacher continue Ed. That and state mandates. #edchat
4:21 pm jhedger276: #edchat Master's degrees take forever to repay themselves. IT has to be something you want to do for other than money
4:21 pm towittertoo: @MZimmer557 becasue master's degrees have no reflection on quality of teaching- there is no correlation bt the two #edchat
4:21 pm ShellTerrell: RT @ericmacknight: Merit pay etc attacks prob at wrong end of the beast http://is.gd/br8EU #edchat
4:21 pm evab2001: @ShellTerrell @Julian3576 or should just remain anonymous as they always did/do? #edchat
4:21 pm pharmakon: Dang you people, I should be spending my lunch catching up on Lost and not engaged in this interesting discussion! #edchat
4:21 pm cybraryman1: When I was a cooperating teacher (for student teachers) I got a free course from that college which was nice #edchat
4:21 pm olafelch: @teachernz Lots of people get into the job for the money. #edchat
4:21 pm akenuam: RT @ShellTerrell: I think the high stakes testing policies most unmotivating teacher policy there is #Edchat #edchat
4:21 pm doctorjeff: There is reward for professional service, personal reward, but fundamentally reward needs to be driven by ed goals. #edchat
4:21 pm k_shelton: RT @ESLlibrary: How do others that are successful in their professions get rewarded? doctors, engineers, artists - with higher pay. #edchat
4:21 pm cybraryman1: RT @tomwhitby: Good and successful teachers should be rwarded with support, encouragement ,and recognition. #edchat (and a chocolate bar)
4:21 pm teachernz: "That works well for your students. Can you share what you did with your colleagues?" #edchat
4:21 pm edutek: #edchat I think fazing out Standardized Test system would be the best reward for teachers
4:21 pm eduinnovation: @TheNerdyTeacher Salary bumps are also the reason "ineffective" "unskilled" teachers stay in education #edchat
4:22 pm hadleyjf: @tomwhitby Chocolate bar goes a long way! #edchat
4:22 pm ShellTerrell: @thenerdyteacher I don't either! I've never seen a student reformed by being suspended #edchat
4:22 pm MatthiasHeil: I believe seeing self-confidence, development & creativity grow in students is more reward than ANY amount of money! #edchat
4:22 pm dlourcey: @mister_jim #edchat I absolutely agree. Leaders need to be aware that the people who get the vision done need to be encouraged and edified
4:22 pm teachingwthsoul: @tomwhitby Starbucks Cards too! #edchat
4:22 pm olafelch: RT @MZimmer557: promote, not as in promotion, but as in "advertise" #edchat (Brilliant insight!!!)
4:22 pm MZimmer557: @towittertoo exactly my point, so why require them....because it looks good on school report cards #edchat
4:22 pm JaneBozarth: Right! RT @MZimmer557 what about those teachers that don't see tech and PD as a reward? #edchat
4:22 pm hollysuel: Aren't good & successful teachers motivated intrinsically anyway? #edchat
4:22 pm bhsprincipal: RT @akenuam: RT @ShellTerrell: I think the high stakes testing policies most unmotivating teacher policy there is #edchat
4:22 pm jpsteltz: I want admin 2 have my back.in order for that to happen they need 2 know what I do.they need 2 observe all of us more often.respect #edchat
4:22 pm seanbanville: RT @tomwhitby: Merit Pay:A tip Jar at the front of the class will speed us along to the race to the top! #edchat It does not work!
4:22 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: RT @Julian3576: Should teachers be seen as Chefs striving for Michelin Stars, refining menu of teaching to gain recog? #edchat
4:22 pm jasonschmidt123: RT @edutek: #edchat I think fazing out Standardized Test system would be the best reward for teachers
4:22 pm rliberni: #edchat
4:22 pm jhedger276: #edchat I would even take an apple right now! Some days admin need to know their actions are very demoralizing
4:22 pm jpsteltz: RT @MatthiasHeil: I believe seeing self-confidence, development & creativity grow in students is more reward than ANY amount of money! #edchat
4:22 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: @teachernz Lots of people get into the job for the money. #edchat
4:22 pm SheldonWordNerd: My mother's school gets access to thankful parent volunteers - parent involvement is a reward, and help is never unwelcome! #edchat
4:22 pm web20classroom: @michellek107 And I think those are much more meaninful than a few extra dollars each month... #edchat
4:22 pm ShellTerrell: @evab2001 Good point! I think many remain anonymous till there's a movie about them #edchat
4:22 pm flourishingkids: Leaders should facilitate innovation by allowing time during staff mtgs for collaboration, modeling, sharing resources. #edchat
4:23 pm mister_jim: @MatthiasHeil I agree. But sincerity is rewarded with respect and loyalty by staff. #edchat
4:23 pm rliberni: RT @jasonschmidt123: RT @MatthiasHeil: Yes - I wonder who/what defines "best practice"/"high quality" in education... @olafelch #edchat
4:23 pm doctorjeff: So I strongly believe that teachers need to be rewarded against student achievement - which is a big pbm 4 me. #edchat
4:23 pm olafelch: @edutek How does that benefit the good teachers? #edchat
4:23 pm edutek: That's a nice reward @akenuam: student loan forgiveness #edchat
4:23 pm Mamacita: I have seen many teachers who did not dress, act, or talk like professionals, but were shocked that they were not treated as such. #edchat
4:23 pm zulfadly: RT @cybraryman1: RT @tomwhitby: Good and successful teachers should be rwarded with support, encouragement ,and recognition. #edchat
4:23 pm hadleyjf: Reward = time off on Tuesdays for #edchat
4:23 pm seanbanville: RT @cybraryman1: Extra pay should be provided if teachers are helping others (writing curriculum, mentoring, leading PD workshops..) #edchat
4:23 pm usamimi74: RT @edutek: That's a nice reward @akenuam: student loan forgiveness #edchat
4:23 pm tomwhitby: @pharmakon Grammar and syntax often suspended in texting in Social Media. All is okay. Special dispensation #edchat
4:23 pm doctorjeff: Teaching is not for the sake of the teacher but for the sake of the student - which is why we go into teaching. #edchat
4:23 pm ESLlibrary: How about more holiday time off for successful teaching? #edchat
4:23 pm eduinnovation: As an administrator, I am beginning to imagine the PRESSURE of evaluations knowing that PD $$ or Grad $$, merit pay is on the line #edchat
4:23 pm MZimmer557: RT @edutek: #edchat I think fazing out Standardized Test system would be the best reward for teachers
4:23 pm TheNerdyTeacher: @ShellTerrell nothing like taking a student out of the classroom to "teach" them a lesson. #edchat
4:23 pm ShellTerrell: If the government put an innovative teacher ahead of education policy, this would be reward enough for me #Edchat
4:23 pm teachernz: @olafelch errr...so they're looking to earn a wage or make a fortune? #edchat
4:23 pm jpsteltz: RT @jhedger276: #edchat I would even take an apple right now! Some days admin need to know their actions are very demoralizing
4:23 pm Ourlesson: #edchat Innovative & inspring teachers deserve recognition, but can only gain it by sharing their practice with others http://is.gd/b6O60
4:24 pm bhsprincipal: RT @doctorjeff: Teaching is not for the sake of the teacher but for the sake of the student - which is why we go into teaching. #edchat
4:24 pm seanbanville: RT @ShellTerrell: How about asking innovative teachers to run workshops? This would be an intrinsic reward #edchat
4:24 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: RT @tomwhitby: Good and successful teachers shd be rwarded with suppt, encouragmnt ,and recog. (and a choc bar) #edchat
4:24 pm flourishingkids: RT @ShellTerrell: If the government put an innovative teacher ahead of education policy, this would be reward enough for me #Edchat
4:24 pm technoarena: RT @towittertoo: @MZimmer557 becasue master's degrees have no reflection on quality of teaching- there is no correlation bt the two #edchat
4:24 pm boundstaffpress: RT @tomwhitby: Merit Pay:A tip Jar at the front of the class will speed us along to the race to the top! #edchat It does not work!
4:24 pm 2footgiraffe: seems a lot of these incentives could be used with students too #edchat
4:24 pm ShellTerrell: RT @doctorjeff: Teaching is not for the sake of the teacher but for the sake of the student - which is why we go into teaching. #edchat
4:24 pm MathPrinciples: RT @ShellTerrell: If the government put an innovative teacher ahead of education policy, this would be reward enough for me #Edchat
4:24 pm wmchamberlain: @eduinnovation Really? I thought it was because admins weren't doing their job. #edchat
4:24 pm leadamerica: RT @MatthiasHeil: I believe seeing self-confidence, development & creativity grow in students is more reward than ANY amount of money! #edchat
4:24 pm ShellTerrell: RT @doctorjeff: There is reward for professional service, personal reward, but fundamentally reward needs to be driven by ed goals. #edchat
4:24 pm doctorjeff: But if system's expectations of student achievement are screwed up, then reward sys for teachers is screwed up. One follows other. #edchat
4:24 pm SheldonWordNerd: @Mamacita Yes, fuzzy holiday sweaters may win points with young students, but it makes me cringe to see one in adults settings :) #edchat
4:24 pm olafelch: @ESLlibrary More time off would be difficult to build into the timetable. #edchat
4:24 pm Annemazer: RT @ShellTerrell: If the government put an innovative teacher ahead of education policy, this would be reward enough for me #Edchat
4:24 pm web20classroom: RT @2footgiraffe: seems a lot of these incentives could be used with students too #edchat
4:24 pm TheNerdyTeacher: @ShellTerrell #Edchat My heart might stop if that happened.
4:24 pm deerwood: RT @physicscarp: @deerwood I find it incredibly rewarding when my students simply say "Thank you" when leaving class. #edchat well said!
4:25 pm bhsprincipal: What are the top three things great teachers look for in a school? #edchat
4:25 pm Joga5: @ShellTerrell Adding to that if a government allowed embedding and planned for sustainability then I would be happier #edchat
4:25 pm rliberni: RT @hadleyjf: Reward = time off on Tuesdays for #edchat GOOD IDEA!!
4:25 pm teachernz: you mean you don't get extra pay for mentoring, leading curriculum, providing workshops? #edchat
4:25 pm olafelch: RT@ShellTerrell: If the government put an innovative teacher ahead of education policy, this would be reward enough for me #Edchat #edchat
4:25 pm rliberni: RT @seanbanville: RT @ShellTerrell: How about asking innovative teachers to run workshops? This would be an intrinsic reward #edchat
4:25 pm Philip_Cummings: RT @ShellTerrell: If the government put an innovative teacher ahead of education policy, this would be reward enough for me #Edchat
4:25 pm Mamacita: Tech-savvy admins. who understand the context of playing to a different audience every 40 min. would be nice, too. #edchat
4:25 pm teachingwthsoul: Even small gratitude pieces like covering duty schedule is a gr8 support! Did this often for my teachers as admin.They enjoyed it! #edchat
4:25 pm rliberni: RT @bhsprincipal: What are the top three things great teachers look for in a school? #edchat
4:25 pm Julian3576: @ShellTerrell @andytgeezer League tables can make or brake a school, but numbers have on reflection on what is happening in class. #edchat
4:25 pm gericoats: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @doctorjeff: Teaching is not for the sake of the teacher but for the sake of the student - which is why we go into teaching. #edchat
4:25 pm raffelsol: RT @wmchamberlain: So, how are good teachers identified? #edchat - not with testing, but with student succes.
4:25 pm olafelch: RT @rliberni: RT @hadleyjf: Reward = time off on Tuesdays for #edchat GOOD IDEA!!
4:25 pm pharmakon: @bhsprincipal supportive admin, supportive parents, and chocolate chip cookies! #edchat
4:26 pm akenuam: @rliberni in today's times, not really. such little respect for teachers today. #edchat
4:26 pm gericoats: RT @tomwhitby: Good and successful teachers should be rwarded with support, encouragement ,and recognition. #edchat (and a chocolate bar)
4:26 pm ErgoEdTech: Very interesting conversations happening via the search on #edchat today. Check it out!
4:26 pm rliberni: RT @deerwood: RT @physicscarp: @deerwood I find it incredibly rewarding when my students simply say "Thank you" when leaving class. #edchat
4:26 pm raffelsol: small gratitude pieces like covering duty schedule is a gr8 support! Did this often for my teachers as admin. #edchat Love the idea!
4:26 pm StarrMatica: Should peer review be incorporated into teacher evaluation rather than just admin. driven? Would this need to be anonymous? #edchat
4:26 pm Mamacita: @SheldonWordNerd I agree with that, 100%. Makes me doubt a person's mentality. #edchat
4:26 pm MZimmer557: The greatest rewards for teachers will never come from the fed, state, or local gov't. It will come a from a student. #edchat
4:26 pm 2footgiraffe: RT @Philip_Cummings: RT @ShellTerrell: If the government put an innovative teacher ahead of education policy, this would be reward enough for me #Edchat
4:26 pm MissCheska: @michellek107 Agree, observing other teachers would lead to exposure to more ideas, practices, etc #edchat
4:26 pm jpsteltz: RT @tomwhitby: Good and successful teachers should be rwarded with support, encouragement ,and recognition. #edchat (and a chocolate bar)
4:26 pm flourishingkids: Autonomy, opportun. to grow, strong ldrship RT@ bhsprincipal What are the top three things great teachers look for in a school? #edchat
4:26 pm dpeter: RT @MZimmer557: The greatest rewards for teachers will never come from the fed, state, or local gov't. It will come a from a student. #edchat
4:26 pm hadleyjf: RT @bhsprincipal: What are the top three things great teachers look for in a school? #edchat
4:26 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @rliberni: RT @seanbanville: RT @ShellTerrell: Asking innovative teachers to run workshops ...intrinsic reward --- I like that!! #edchat
4:26 pm ShellTerrell: #edchat @thenerdyteacher We're good enough to make movies about but who ever heard of them asking Jaime Escalante to be Sec of Edu.
4:27 pm malcolmbellamy: @doctorjeff absolutely and how do assess learning when payment by test results is easier for them? #edchat
4:27 pm doctorjeff: My key pbm- I think many schools focus on wrong skill sets, & good teachers know it, so reward system 4tchers will reflect bad ed.#edchat
4:27 pm web20classroom: @michellek107 Bingo! That is what I would want...more funding to send me to all these great learning opportunites all over. #edchat
4:27 pm deerwood: @physicscarp Spot on! Praise or recognition from pupils or parents often outweighs all other incentives/rewards #edchat
4:27 pm rliberni: RT @doctorjeff: Teaching is not for the sake of the teacher but for the sake of the student - which is why we go into teaching. #edchat
4:27 pm mister_jim: @MatthiasHeil again, true. But it won't be valued without the context. #edchat I still find it invigorating to be praised.
4:27 pm olafelch: @teachernz: #edchat Nothing wrong with earning a wage, but the pay's not that bad.
4:27 pm learningcouncil: Perhaps good and successful teachers should get greater autonomy in how they teach #edchat
4:27 pm raffelsol: RT @hadleyjf: RT @bhsprincipal: What are the top three things great teachers look for in a school? #edchat 1 is freedom to teach.
4:27 pm rliberni: RT @malcolmbellamy: @doctorjeff absolutely and how do assess learning when payment by test results is easier for them? #edchat
4:27 pm jasonschmidt123: #edchat How can you objectively measure something as subjective as teacher effectiveness? Test results do not reflect tchr performance.
4:27 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Joga5: Adding to that if a government allowed embedding and planned for sustainability then I would be happier #edchat
4:27 pm raffelsol: RT @deerwood: @physicscarp Spot on! Praise or recognition from pupils or parents often outweighs all other incentives/rewards #edchat
4:27 pm rliberni: RT @deerwood: @physicscarp Spot on! Praise or recognition from pupils or parents often outweighs all other incentives/rewards #edchat
4:27 pm boundstaffpress: #edchat @thenerdyteacher We're good enough to make movies about but who ever heard of them asking Jaime Escalante to be Sec of Edu.
4:27 pm j_ashton: How do we define good teaching? Who evaluates it and how? If we don't have the answers to this how can we talk about incentives? #edchat
4:27 pm gericoats: RT @ShellTerrell: How about asking innovative teachers to run workshops? This would be an intrinsic reward #edchat
4:27 pm raffelsol: RT @learningcouncil: Perhaps good and successful teachers should get greater autonomy in how they teach #edchat I agree!
4:27 pm wmchamberlain: @raffelsol define student success and show how that can be tied to one teacher #edchat
4:28 pm reasoningmind: RT @web20classroom: But what is innovative teaching? If we see something "Innovative" shouldn't that just be the way we all teach? #edchat
4:28 pm michellek107: @malcolmbellamy esp. when the test producers are helping to fund all the research. #edchat
4:28 pm MatthiasHeil: Having good/exemplary teachers run workshops, however, punishes students...-) #edchat
4:28 pm pharmakon: @j_ashton agreed! mentioned that at the start, too #edchat
4:28 pm abfromz: RT @bhsprincipal: What are the top three things great teachers look for in a school? #edchat
4:28 pm teachingwthsoul: @Philip_Cummings TY! Wish more admin would try. Makes a difference in how we are perceived, builds trust when we give our time. #edchat
4:28 pm k_shelton: @eduinnovation the major issue I have with that is how do you define a "poor" teacher and based upon who's evaluation #edchat
4:28 pm olafelch: RT @doctorjeff: Teaching isn't t for sake of the teacher but for the sake of the student - which is why we go into teaching. #edchat
4:28 pm zulfadly: RT @rliberni: RT @deerwood: @physicscarp Praise or recognition from pupils or parents often outweighs all other incentives #edchat
4:28 pm worsttofirst: Who Was Your Favorite Teacher? Share your #FavTeacher http://ow.ly/1xWkC #edchat
4:28 pm cybraryman1: RT @MZimmer557: The greatest rewards for teachers will never come from the fed, state, or local gov't. It will come from a student. #edchat
4:28 pm deerwood: #edchat I wonder do rewards/recognition/incentives we seek change with time/experience in the profession?
4:28 pm ShellTerrell: When our governments take the leads by making Edu policies that support teachers then rest will eventually follow #edchat
4:28 pm wmchamberlain: @michellek107 that is easy for me the tech teacher, unfortunately not so much for th English teacher. #edchat
4:28 pm teachernz: @StarrMatica we are peer reviewed in NZ at our school at least #edchat
4:28 pm gericoats: @shellTerrell we have tchrs now doing tech prof ed in my dist. I am very excited! very hopeful tchrs will take part. #edchat
4:28 pm 2footgiraffe: RT @bhsprincipal: What are the top three things great teachers look for in a school? #edchat - Support, support, support
4:28 pm solivo11: I agree with @jpsteltz . I would feel most rewarded with knowing that admin has my back and will give me leeway to be innovative #edchat
4:28 pm Mamacita: Mediocre, no-wave-making teachers are honored, & creative, caring, wave-makers are punished by admin. How can we speak of rewards? #edchat
4:28 pm doctorjeff: KEY IRONY - you can teach the wrong things really well, get rewarded 4 teaching it well, and our kids and nation will all suffer. #edchat
4:28 pm learningcouncil: In India, teachers got to choose which students could enroll in their class and vice versa #edchat
4:28 pm dorieturner: #edchat are teachers happy with Arne Duncan and Obama?
4:28 pm rliberni: I think praise from students, satisfaction with a job well done and some recognition from peers and 'masters' should do it! #edchat
4:28 pm stevekatz: RT @ShellTerrell: When our governments take the leads by making Edu policies that support teachers then rest will eventually follow #edchat
4:28 pm akenuam: RT @ShellTerrell: When our governments makes Edu policies that support teachers then rest will eventually follow #edchat
4:29 pm ShellTerrell: RT @jasonschmidt123: #edchat How can you objectively measure something as subj as tchr effectiveness? Test results don't reflect per4mance.
4:29 pm Philip_Cummings: Could good teaching be recognized/rewarded by giving T greater/more autonomy? Trust them as proven professional. #edchat
4:29 pm StarrMatica: @bhsprincipal My top 3: Supportive admin, enthusiastic and collaborative colleagues, some freedom/autonomy for classroom instruction #edchat
4:29 pm teachernz: @olafelch like i said... I earn double the average wage in nz... #edchat
4:29 pm 2footgiraffe: @bhsprincipal Not that i consider myself a good teacher..... #edchat
4:29 pm evab2001: @rliberni: RT @deerwood: RT @physicscarp: @deerwood sometimes that thank you is better than anything #edchat
4:29 pm flourishingkids: Yes, stories of success from our former students and families is a huge reward. #edchat
4:29 pm cybraryman1: I treasure the most the thank you notes from my students. #edchat
4:29 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @deerwood: @physicscarp Praise or recognition from pupils or parents often outweighs all other incentives. --- Absolutely! #edchat
4:29 pm jpsteltz: I c way 2 many good tchrs protecting themselves in their shells 4 fear of no support from admin...we r limited by our own creativity #edchat
4:29 pm boundstaffpress: RT @raffelsol: RT @learningcouncil: Perhaps good and successful teachers should get greater autonomy in how they teach #edchat I agree!
4:29 pm ShellTerrell: RT @deerwood: #edchat I wonder do rewards/recognition/incentives we seek change with time/experience in the profession?
4:29 pm raffelsol: @wmchamberlain those are the things not tangible which makes rewards programs for teaching almost impossible. no easy solution. #edchat
4:29 pm jpsteltz: RT @Philip_Cummings: Could good teaching be recognized/rewarded by giving T greater/more autonomy? Trust them as proven professional. #edchat
4:29 pm gericoats: #edchat as a tchr, I'm not looking for rewards beyond respect, autonomy, great colleagues, and student success, that's the best reward
4:29 pm olafelch: @teachernz Peer review is good in a team-spirited staffroom #edchat
4:29 pm hadleyjf: Best reward = A classroom full of sts. excited and engaged in the lesson I created! Always sends me out with a smile #edchat
4:29 pm MissCheska: @arbaldwin Honestly I think it's mostly intrinsic motivation - I visited as many teachers as I could bc I was greedy LOL #edchat
4:29 pm akenuam: we need to stop BLAMING teachers for achievement/opportunity gaps and start ACTING #edchat
4:29 pm boundstaffpress: RT @ShellTerrell: When our governments take the leads by making Edu policies that support teachers then rest will eventually follow #edchat
4:30 pm rliberni: RT @raffelsol: RT @learningcouncil: Perhaps good and successful teachers should get greater autonomy in how they teach #edchat I agree!
4:30 pm malcolmbellamy: test numbers are easier to reward than real learning developments ..will they trust teacher assessment? #edchat
4:30 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: I think praise fr stdts, satisfaction w a job well done and some recognition from peers and 'masters' should do it! #edchat
4:30 pm marisacp51: A supportive administration? //What are the top three things great teachers look for in a school? #edchat (via @bhsprincipal)
4:30 pm Philip_Cummings: @teachingwthsoul Yes. Demonstrates value in relationships, too. #edchat
4:30 pm abfromz: RT @ShellTerrell: When our governments take the leads by making Edu policies that support teachers then rest will eventually follow #edchat
4:30 pm MZimmer557: RT @Mamacita: Mediocre, no-wave-making tchrs are honored, & creative, caring, wave-makers are punished. How can we speak of rewards? #edchat
4:30 pm ShellTerrell: RT @olafelch: @teachernz Peer review is good in a team-spirited staffroom #edchat
4:30 pm rliberni: RT @akenuam: we need to stop BLAMING teachers for achievement/opportunity gaps and start ACTING #edchat
4:30 pm edutek: @olafelch Fazing out Stndrdized Tst system is not a financial reward. It opens the world of possibilities for a creative educator #edchat
4:30 pm pharmakon: RT @akenuam: we need to stop BLAMING teachers for achievement/opportunity gaps and start ACTING #edchat
4:30 pm mister_jim: #edchat the long term benefit 4bein creative is u keep ur enthusiasm& determination 2succeed meanin u r a better tchr with high aspirations
4:30 pm teachingwthsoul: RT @dorieturner: #edchat are teachers happy with Arne Duncan and Obama?
4:30 pm MissCheska: @tomwhitby LOL Yes, that chocolate bar is a must! Must be good too!! #edchat
4:30 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @rliberni: I think praise from students, satisfaction with a job well done & some recognition from peers&'masters' should do it! #edchat
4:30 pm doctorjeff: @malcolmbellamy The idea payment of rewards to system based on testing, so testing drives everything is a disgrace to education. #edchat
4:30 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @hadleyjf: Best reward = A classroom full of sts. excited and engaged in the lesson I created! Always sends me out with a smile #edchat
4:30 pm 2footgiraffe: RT @hadleyjf: Best reward = A classroom full of sts. excited and engaged in the lesson I created! Always sends me out with a smile #edchat
4:30 pm malcolmbellamy: RT @hadleyjf: Best reward = A classroom full of sts. excited and engaged in the lesson I created! Always sends me out with a smile #edchat
4:30 pm teachernz: @jpsteltz I see more fear of no support by colleagues than fear of admin... we still teach in disconnected little holes #edchat
4:30 pm olafelch: @hadleyjf But it would be even better if you had the chance to pass on those skills to your less-able colleagues. #edchat
4:31 pm StarrMatica: @teachernz Thanks for sharing. How do you decide who reviews who and is it anonymous? #edchat
4:31 pm hadleyjf: We have our 8th graders write Thank-You notes before they graduate 2 anyone who has helped them on their way.Amazing who they choose #edchat
4:31 pm wmchamberlain: @raffelsol and that is the whole problem to rewarding teachers. #edchat
4:31 pm ShellTerrell: RT @marisacp51: A supportive administration? //What are the top 3 things gr8 teachers look for in a school? #edchat (via @bhsprincipal)
4:31 pm dpeter: My best reward? Seeing that "a ha" moment ... that glimpse of "WHOA, I GOT IT" ... a simple "thanks" ... an acknowledgement. #edchat
4:31 pm rliberni: If teachers haven't the respect they deserve as a profession how can we fix this? #edchat
4:31 pm MZimmer557: My greatest reward has been former students contacting me on Facebook asking for help with a project, or checking in. #edchat
4:31 pm boundstaffpress: RT @gericoats: @shellTerrell we have tchrs now doing tech PD in my dist. #edchat We do this too. Best ever.
4:31 pm akenuam: RT @teachernz: I see more fear of no support by colleagues than fear of admin... we still teach in disconnected little holes #edchat
4:31 pm eduinnovation: @k_shelton BING.exactly. Who is doing the evaluating is going to become a major issue if you add rewards. Reputation as easy reviewr #edchat
4:31 pm Philip_Cummings: Absolutely. & their desire 2 reconnect after yrs. RT @cybraryman1: I treasure the most the thank you notes from my students. #edchat
4:31 pm malcolmbellamy: RT @doctorjeff: @malcolmbellamy The idea payment of rewards to system based on testing, so testing drives everything is a disgrace to education. #edchat
4:31 pm ShellTerrell: RT @hadleyjf: Best reward = A classroom full of sts. excited and engaged in the lesson I created! Always sends me out with a smile #edchat
4:31 pm jpsteltz: genuine support is a reward #edchat
4:31 pm rliberni: RT @rliberni: If teachers haven't the respect they deserve as a profession how can we fix this? #edchat
4:31 pm boundstaffpress: RT @hadleyjf: Best reward = A classroom full of sts. excited and engaged in the lesson I created! Always sends me out with a smile #edchat
4:31 pm ShellTerrell: RT @gericoats: #edchat as a tchr, I'm not looking for rewards beyond respect, autonomy, great colleagues, & student success, the best reward
4:31 pm bjnichols: The reward for teaching is student learning. Student learning is measured by progress/growth...not just a test score #edchat
4:31 pm akenuam: @olafelch its not that they are less able, just like our students they must be taught new innovative teaching methods #edchat
4:31 pm olafelch: @teachernz That sounds fair. #edchat
4:32 pm SheldonWordNerd: When a student asks his math teacher to attend his piano recital, you know that teacher is doing a GREAT job :) #edchat
4:32 pm tomwhitby: Should a Teacher who Teaches to the test and gets scores up by the year's end be rewarded with merit Pay and accolades for success? #edchat
4:32 pm evab2001: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @marisacp51: A supportive administration? //What are the top 3 things gr8 teachers look for in a school? #edchat (via @bhsprincipal)
4:32 pm ShellTerrell: RT @cybraryman1: I treasure the most the thank you notes from my students. #edchat
4:32 pm ShellTerrell: RT @flourishingkids: Yes, stories of success from our former students and families is a huge reward. #edchat
4:32 pm 2footgiraffe: @hadleyjf i agree nothing better than seeing students excited about the topic or lesson #edchat
4:32 pm teachernz: @ShellTerrell we pair up for the year and observe, take notes provide feedback, very supportive #edchat
4:32 pm rliberni: RT @jpsteltz: genuine support is a reward - very true! #edchat
4:32 pm raffelsol: Motivation for each is so different that a reward program has to be individualized. Can we have IRP's for teachers =Ind. reward prgs #edchat
4:32 pm rliberni: RT @SheldonWordNerd: When a student asks his math teacher to attend his piano recital, you know that teacher is doing a GREAT job :) #edchat
4:32 pm Foleysquared: RT @bjnichols: The reward for teaching is student learning. Student learning is measured by progress/growth...not just a test score #edchat
4:32 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @cybraryman1: I treasure the most the thank you notes from my students. #edchat
4:32 pm doctorjeff: My thought-let's test 2 see if testing has destroyed all learning in classroom, & if we find it hasn't, keep testing til it does. #edchat
4:32 pm Philip_Cummings: RT @hadleyjf: Best reward = A classroom full of sts. excited and engaged in the lesson I created! Always sends me out with a smile. #edchat
4:32 pm teachingwthsoul: Like this~>RT @jpsteltz: genuine support is a reward #edchat
4:32 pm towittertoo: @rliberni respect is earned- figure out how to get more first #edchat too many teachers up on the cross quoting Albert Einstein...
4:32 pm eduinnovation: If we open the door to rewards for great teaching...do we not open the door to taking from ineffective teachers? #edchat
4:32 pm pharmakon: @rliberni fix: a bottom up restructuring of the system to accommodate today's learners #edchat
4:32 pm MissCheska: @rliberni @bhsprincipal Support, support, support! #edchat
4:32 pm gericoats: #edchat other teachers who are unsupportive are not my problem, I try to work with those that are, and leave the others in the dust
4:32 pm bhsprincipal: A supportive administration is a good one. Most admin. feel they are supportive. Any concrete examples? #edchat
4:33 pm malcolmbellamy: my best reward is seeing children gain control and ownership of their learning #edchat
4:33 pm nsharoff: @k_shelton @ESLlibrary those professions DO NOT necessarily have unions #edchat
4:33 pm ShellTerrell: RT @solivo11: I agree with @jpsteltz . I would feel most rewarded w knowing admin has my back & will give me leeway to be innovative #edchat
4:33 pm Joga5: @tomwhitby Yes they should if that how the society measures educational success #edchat
4:33 pm hadleyjf: @olafelch I agree! Figuring out how to do that is always the challenge. How to respect and learn from our colleagues. #edchat
4:33 pm olafelch: @edutek Maybe, but cutting standardised testing removes the last vestige of control over a weak teacher. #edchat
4:33 pm rkiker: RT @2footgiraffe: @hadleyjf i agree nothing better than seeing students excited about the topic or lesson #edchat
4:33 pm gericoats: RT @doctorjeff: My thought-let's test 2 see if testing has destroyed all learning in classroom, & if we find it hasn't, keep testing til it does. #edchat
4:33 pm raffelsol: RT @SheldonWordNerd: I agree about a student wanting their teacher involved with their lives. #edchat
4:33 pm teachernz: @StarrMatica not anonymous... face to face feed back and discussion... then written ... plus we still have admin observe #edchat
4:33 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: RT @jpsteltz: genuine support is a reward - very true! #edchat
4:33 pm nsharoff: @tomwhitby #edchat give me a room full of bright test-savvy students & I'll take Merit Pay; w/ current class - NOPE!
4:34 pm akenuam: @olafelch we do not need to control "weak" teachers, we need to support and train them better. #edchat
4:34 pm MatthiasHeil: I'm getting real-time search results at TweetGrid http://tweetgrid.com/ #edchat
4:34 pm ShellTerrell: Loved to work in that envirnmt RT @teachernz: we pair up for the year and observe, take notes provide feedback, very supportive #edchat
4:34 pm olafelch: @akenuam The question is, are they prepared to learn new methods? #edchat
4:34 pm rliberni: Don'e we need texactly the same support, encouragement and praise as our students? #edchat
4:34 pm jhedger276: @bhsprincipal # things in a school would be fair admin, great staff, and a school with a defined vision for the future. #edchat
4:34 pm corriekelly: @evab2001 Thing gr8 tchrs lk 4 in schools? Admins who trust their tchrs, tchrs willing to work together, school-wide respon 4 stdts #edchat
4:34 pm Cherielabombe: How about more holiday time off for successful teaching? #edchat (via @ESLlibrary)
4:34 pm eduinnovation: "I got all the low kids..it's not fair I won't get my reward." "I wish ___ was my principal, they are so easy when giving reviews." #edchat
4:34 pm rkiker: @ShellTerrell My kids in class right now say a successful teacher makes them excited to learn and makes them smile. That simple. #edchat
4:34 pm evab2001: if a st says u made difference and showed me an other percpective that's success #edchat
4:34 pm doctorjeff: @SandyVarman I'd make sure that education dramatically focuses on the journey - the process of exploration- not the book of facts. #edchat
4:34 pm Brunsell: we don't necessarily need to get rid of standardized tests -- but they need to be diagnostic, not summative #edchat
4:34 pm Philip_Cummings: Good teachers should also have the opportunity to mentor other teachers. Demonstrate skills b4 peers. #edchat
4:34 pm j_ashton: Love this can you imagine the storm that this would create. RT @raffelsol: IRP's for teachers =Ind. reward prgs #edchat
4:34 pm Amandalanguage: My reward is happy students who achieve their goals #edchat
4:34 pm boundstaffpress: I still cannot figure out how merit pay works for non-tested teachers. Arts? Vocational? #edchat
4:34 pm seanbanville: Politics & personality clashes make merit pay unfair, divisive and can result in a very bitter taste in the mouth. #edchat
4:34 pm teachernz: @StarrMatica peer reviewer may be someone with expertise in the area(s) you are focusing on for the year #edchat
4:34 pm SheldonWordNerd: @tomwhitby If that is what the district expects, and the teacher has done her job, then yes. #edchat
4:34 pm rliberni: RT @Philip_Cummings: Good teachers should also have the opportunity to mentor other teachers. Demonstrate skills b4 peers. #edchat
4:34 pm corriekelly: RT @akenuam: @olafelch we do not need to control "weak" teachers, we need to support and train them better. #edchat
4:34 pm cybraryman1: Administrators should make sure that they recognize the extras their teachers do. #edchat
4:34 pm flourishingkids: @bhsprincipal I feel supported by admin. when concerns about student behaviors are taken seriously. Safety is critical 4 learning! #edchat
4:34 pm insidetheschool: I love non-monetary rewards, too, but teachers leave the profession because of long hours, little pay. #edchat
4:34 pm michellek107: @rliberni 1) act like professionals, 2) dismiss those who don't 3) work with parents and communities as partners #edchat
4:35 pm doctorjeff: @SandyVarman I'd make sure that information is only a means to an end - NOT the end in itself. #edchat
4:35 pm arbaldwin: RT @akenuam: @olafelch we do not need to control "weak" teachers, we need to support and train them better. #edchat
4:35 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Julian3576: Innov teaching is often the result of a confident & inspired teacher given freedom 2 relay their skills & ideas. #edchat
4:35 pm olafelch: @akenuam Or remove them from the profession. #edchat
4:35 pm akenuam: @boundstaffpress in FL they would be creating new tests for those subjects, like art, PE, etc. #edchat
4:35 pm ShellTerrell: RT @SeanBanville: Politics & personality clashes make merit pay unfair, divisive and can result in a very bitter taste in the mouth. #edchat
4:35 pm corriekelly: RT @Philip_Cummings: Good teachers should also have the opportunity to mentor other teachers. Demonstrate skills b4 peers. #edchat
4:35 pm MZimmer557: It seems to me, that parental support, especially in the high school setting is a great reward. #edchat
4:35 pm jpsteltz: @teachernz great point...I agree...fear of failure or peers being too judgemental #edchat
4:35 pm arbaldwin: support = building in time for teachers to collaborate/debrief/share #edchat
4:35 pm rliberni: Many of the trad. 'rewards' are given for experience should this be switched to achievement? #edchat
4:35 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rkiker: My kids in class right now say a successful teacher makes them excited to learn and makes them smile. That simple. #edchat
4:35 pm teachernz: @ShellTerrell lets face it... most of us know when we're doing it wrong...really we provide our own feedback...peers facilitate that #edchat
4:35 pm davidwees: What's the #edchat topic today? Missed the beginning, but looks like something on reward programs for teachers.
4:35 pm teachingwthsoul: @bhsprincipal A suportive admin walks their talk. Enagages, works collaboratively, supports studnts,teachers: stars and strugglers. #edchat
4:35 pm Mamacita: Many admins fear adverse publicity far more than they appreciate a teacher's extra effort. #edchat
4:35 pm boundstaffpress: RT @doctorjeff: My thought-let's test 2 see if testing has destroyed all learning in classroom. #edchat
4:35 pm rliberni: RT @MZimmer557: It seems to me, that parental support, especially in the high school setting is a great reward. #edchat
4:36 pm pharmakon: @akenuam I would laugh if it were not true! #edchat
4:36 pm akenuam: @olafelch if it is approached in the right way, yes. we cant act like these teachers dont have SOMETHING to share. we r all learners #edchat
4:36 pm truegrit: RT @Mamacita: Mediocre,no-wave-making teachers are honored, & creative,caring,wave-makers are punished by admin. #edchat <true in life gen.
4:36 pm SheldonWordNerd: RT @raffelsol was a time I thought it was so cool to see my teacher at the grocery store! Like she'd landed in another dimension :) #edchat
4:36 pm ShellTerrell: RT @bjnichols: The reward for teaching is student learning. Student learning is measured by progress/growth...not just a test score #edchat
4:36 pm olafelch: @insidetheschool I'm sure they do, but I wonder how many join because of the long holidays? #edchat
4:36 pm corriekelly: RT @teachingwthsoul: @bhsprincipal A suportive admin walks their talk. Enagages, works collaboratively, supports studnts,teachers: stars and strugglers. #edchat
4:36 pm ArtsLEARNINGLab: RT @cybraryman1: Extra pay should be provided if teachers are helping others (writing curriculum, mentoring, leading PD workshops..) #edchat
4:36 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @rliberni: Don't we need texactly the same support, encouragement and praise as our students?--- oh come on, we're adults!-) #edchat
4:36 pm michellek107: @tomwhitby No. Who is to say that teacher is the only one helping kids' success? What about paras? What about specialists? #edchat
4:36 pm doctorjeff: @SandyVarman I'd make sure 2 encourage ownership in exploration by student, & tchr reward based on student's creating new knowledge. #edchat
4:36 pm MissCheska: @cybraryman1 Those TY notes are the best, and the random drawing LOL #edchat
4:36 pm rliberni: RT @Julian3576: Innov teaching is often the result of a confident & inspired teacher given freedom 2 relay their skills & ideas. #edchat
4:36 pm edutek: @olafelch #edchat Very true. I am just saying that system has to be redefined and possibly built around greatness and not weakness
4:36 pm arbaldwin: RT @teachingwthsoul: @bhsprincipal A suportive admin walks their talk. Enagages, works collaboratively, supports studnts,teachers: stars and strugglers. #edchat
4:36 pm bhsprincipal: RT @teachingwthsoul A suportive admin walks their talk. Enagages, works collab., supports studnts,teachers: stars and strugglers. #edchat
4:36 pm ShellTerrell: RT @teachernz: lets face it... most of us know when we're doing it wrong, really we provide our own feedback...peers facilitate that #edchat
4:36 pm ESLlibrary: @nsharoff @k_shelton @ESLlibrary those professions DO NOT necessarily have unions #edchat - but it is even more important with a union!
4:36 pm boundstaffpress: @akenuam I've helped write one of those tests. When finished, I wasn't sure if I could pass it. #edchat
4:36 pm insidetheschool: @boundstaffpress Merit pay for non-tested teachers is based on school ave., at least in Tx. 10 yrs. ago, it was. #edchat
4:36 pm doctorjeff: RT @edutek: @olafelch #edchat Very true. I am just saying that system has to be redefined and possibly built around greatness and not weakness
4:36 pm hadleyjf: RT @rkiker: My kids in class right now say a successful teacher makes them excited to learn and makes them smile. That simple. #edchat
4:36 pm seanbanville: Management listening to teachers and trusting them enough to follow teacher initiatives would make teachers feel valued #edchat
4:37 pm rliberni: RT @SeanBanville: Politics & personality clashes make merit pay unfair, divisive and can result in a very bitter taste in the mouth. #edchat
4:37 pm ShellTerrell: @teachernz I don't know, some teachers who rarely self-reflect may not realize their doing anything wrong #edchat
4:37 pm Nunavut_Teacher: RT @ShellTerrell: If the government put an innovative teacher ahead of education policy, this would be reward enough for me #Edchat
4:37 pm teachernz: @MZimmer557 parental support is essential... no matter how much teachers value learning.. if it's not valued at home :-( #edchat
4:37 pm zulfadly: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @rkiker: My kids in class right now say a successful teacher makes them excited to learn and makes them smile. #edchat
4:37 pm mooresclassroom: Insightful TED talk on photos that have changed history http://bit.ly/aYuDtu #historyteacher #edchat
4:37 pm olafelch: RT @bhsprincipal A suportive admin walks the talk. Enagages, works collaboratively, supports sts,t's: stars and strugglers. #edchat
4:37 pm StarrMatica: @teachernz: peer reviewer may be someone with expertise in the area(s) you are focusing on for the year #edchat --Thank you for the insight!
4:37 pm teachingwthsoul: RT @seanbanville: Management listening to teachers trusting them enough 2 follow teacher initiatives would make teachers feel valued #edchat
4:37 pm flourishingkids: @bhsprincipal Supportive admin. don't minimize problems, but encourage teamwork solutions. They value teacher input, aren't intim. #edchat
4:37 pm insidetheschool: @boundstaffpress We were told that art teachers could incorporate a writing objective, music a math obj., etc. #edchat
4:37 pm evab2001: @seanbanville true and it's motivating and encouraging #edchat
4:38 pm worsttofirst: Enhance Profession: Teacher Draft Day? Like NFL. Ranked by: Creative LPs, Methods, Alt. curriculum, etc. #edchat
4:38 pm rliberni: @MatthiasHeil don't adults need these things too? #edchat
4:38 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tomwhitby: Should a Teacher who Teaches to the test & gets scores up by yr's end be rewarded wi merit Pay & accolades 4 success? #edchat
4:38 pm tomwhitby: @dorieturner I don't think anyone can speak for all teachers on the like or dislike of Arne Duncan #edchat
4:38 pm TheAxeR: RT @doctorjeff: My thought-let's test 2 see if testing has destroyed all learning in classroom, & if we find it hasn't, keep testing til it does. #edchat
4:38 pm corriekelly: Lunchtime's over! Great #edchat Thanks all!
4:38 pm rkiker: @olafelch don't know many teachers that keep teaching because of summers off-the other 10 months is not worth it if you dont love it #edchat
4:38 pm teachernz: @edutek we work in a deficit model of education where focus is on failure and low achievement #edchat
4:38 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: RT @MZimmer557: It seems to me, that parental support, especially in the high school setting is a great reward. #edchat
4:38 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Mamacita: Many admins fear adverse publicity far more than they appreciate a teacher's extra effort. #edchat
4:38 pm Julian3576: @ShellTerrell Innovative teaching is the often the result of a confident and inspired teacher, with freedom to use skills and ideas. #edchat
4:38 pm olafelch: RT @edutek: @olafelch #edchat Very true. I'm just saying that system has 2 be redefined and possibly built around greatness and not weakness
4:38 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @rkiker: My kids in class right now say a successful teacher makes them excited to learn + makes them smile. #edchat
4:38 pm openstudy: RT @Julian3576: Innov teaching is often the result of a confident & inspired teacher given freedom 2 relay their skills & ideas. #edchat
4:38 pm teachernz: @ShellTerrell fair point... #edchat
4:38 pm pharmakon: RT @teachernz: @edutek we work in a deficit model of education where focus is on failure and low achievement #edchat
4:39 pm 2footgiraffe: We need more "head teacher principals" and less "CEO" principals #edchat
4:39 pm ESLlibrary: @OlafElch @ESLlibrary More time off would be difficult to build into the timetable. #edchat - good point, maybe the timetable is an issue?
4:39 pm KWormann: RT @cybraryman1: Education costs money, but then so does ignorance. -- Claus Moser #edchat
4:39 pm gericoats: RT @2footgiraffe: We need more "head teacher principals" and less "CEO" principals #edchat
4:39 pm Mamacita: Evey the driest subject can be made interesting by a good teacher who knows the subject thoroughly & can make connections. #edchat
4:39 pm teachernz: @ShellTerrell but the peer should be able to highlight some of those shortcomings #edchat
4:39 pm MissCheska: @cybraryman1 Lucky guess? ;) Haha that's awesome! #edchat
4:39 pm izadmajid: RT @rliberni: RT @Philip_Cummings: Good tcrs should also have the opportunity to mentor other teachers. Demonstrate skills b4 peers. #edchat
4:39 pm malcolmbellamy: I am reminded of the of a PGCE student who left a highly paid city job to become a teacher.. a really good one #edchat
4:39 pm doctorjeff: KEEP FAITH: We as teachers need to embrace this noble profession & why we joined, even if educational system we work for may not. #edchat
4:39 pm ShellTerrell: Many of us are innovative teachers- Do we feel our institutions, govts, & districts punishing us? #Edchat
4:39 pm seanbanville: Teachers and students are what education is all about. WHY then do non-teaching managers make the decisions? #edchat
4:39 pm rliberni: RT @Julian3576: Innov teaching is often the result of a confident & inspired teacher given freedom 2 relay their skills & ideas. #edchat
4:40 pm deerwood: #edchat for me teaching is one of the most important professions in the world and being part of it is its own reward
4:40 pm akenuam: LOL RT @boundstaffpress: @akenuam I've helped write one of those tests. When finished, I wasn't sure if I could pass it. #edchat
4:40 pm pharmakon: @2footgiraffe why not one of each? Oh right.. budget cuts! #edchat
4:40 pm rliberni: RT @malcolmbellamy: I am reminded of the of a PGCE student who left a highly paid city job to become a teacher.. a really good one #edchat
4:40 pm boundstaffpress: IF admin is acquainted with what is going on in all classrooms. They can praise success of innovative teachers in front of staff. #edchat
4:40 pm cybraryman1: RT @2footgiraffe: We need more "head teacher principals" and less "CEO" principals #edchat
4:40 pm SheldonWordNerd: RT @pharmakon: RT @teachernz: @edutek we work in a deficit model of education where focus is on failure and low achievement #edchat
4:40 pm Nunavut_Teacher: RT @Philip_Cummings: Good teachers should also have the opportunity to mentor other teachers. Demonstrate skills b4 peers. #edchat
4:40 pm evab2001: @ShellTerrell sometimes a teacher tries his best sts also try his best but can't get the highest score but do their best score #edchat
4:40 pm boundstaffpress: RT @Julian3576: Innov teaching is often the result of a confident & inspired teacher given freedom 2 relay their skills & ideas. #edchat
4:40 pm teachingwthsoul: I don't agree! Sorry 2 hear RT @Mamacita: Many admins fear adverse publicity far more than they appreciate a teacher's extra effort. #edchat
4:40 pm olafelch: @akenuam I agree, but I want to support the best and don't see the need to tolerate those not ready to adapt. #edchat
4:40 pm ulrikajonson: RT @web20classroom: But what is innovative teaching? If we see something "Innovative" shouldn't that just be the way we all teach? #edchat
4:40 pm gericoats: #edchat innovative tching is rewarded with support from colleagues and student success. tchrs love to see how other tchrs are being sucesful
4:40 pm seanbanville: RT @ShellTerrell: Many of us are innovative teachers- Do we feel our institutions, govts, & districts punishing us? #Edchat
4:40 pm MatthiasHeil: @rliberni I believe teachers - in comp. to other professions - are lucky to have the best and most honest feedback... in class #edchat
4:40 pm j_ashton: As mentioned by many "The tallest blade of grass gets cut first," so sad. Admin. can do a great deal to change this but many do not. #edchat
4:40 pm tomwhitby: If standardized test success is to be the standard for excellent teachers, how do teachers of non-tested subjects become excellent? #edchat
4:40 pm boundstaffpress: RT @2footgiraffe: We need more "head teacher principals" and less "CEO" principals #edchat
4:40 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: RT @2footgiraffe: We need more "head teacher principals" and less "CEO" principals #edchat
4:40 pm cybraryman1: I love administrators who take the chalk (or IWB)! #edchat
4:41 pm evab2001: @shellterrell and I think that's success #edchat
4:41 pm pharmakon: ok, must find food. Enjoyed seeing your ideas! #edchat
4:41 pm MissCheska: @bhsprincipal What I liked most about my previous admin was his open door policy - talk about issues, ideas any time #edchat
4:41 pm seanbanville: @ShellTerrell Admins perhaps fear innovation - it could mean the end of their jobs. #edchat
4:41 pm raffelsol: If you personally were going to ask for a reward, what would that be? #edchat
4:41 pm insidetheschool: RT @gericoats: RT @2footgiraffe: We need more "head teacher principals" and less "CEO" principals #edchat
4:41 pm ShellTerrell: If most feel punished then why aren't our institutions, leaders, govts not asking how to make policy that appreciates our work? #Edchat
4:41 pm olafelch: @rkiker I'm sure there aren't many who stay for that reason, but quite a few joined for that reason. that's wrong IMO. #edchat
4:41 pm eduinnovation: Did Superman, Wonder Woman, Bat Man, or Bat Girl ever ask for a reward?...but I would take an iPad #edchat
4:41 pm boundstaffpress: RT @Philip_Cummings: Good teachers should also have the opportunity to mentor other teachers. Demonstrate skills b4 peers. #edchat
4:41 pm ESLlibrary: RT @ShellTerrell: Many of us are innovative teachers- Do we feel our institutions, govts, & districts punishing us? #Edchat
4:41 pm bhsprincipal: RT @flourishingkids Supportive admin. don't minimize problems, but encourage teamwork solutions. Value teacher input, aren't intim. #edchat
4:41 pm olafelch: RT @seanbanville: @ShellTerrell Admins perhaps fear innovation - it could mean the end of their jobs. #edchat (v. true)
4:41 pm ShellTerrell: RT @raffelsol: If you personally were going to ask for a reward, what would that be? #edchat
4:41 pm Mamacita: These days, most teachers are evaluated on their ability to keep order, & with little or no admin. support. Not right. #edchat
4:42 pm mooresclassroom: PLN question inspired by the latest TED talk: What photos have inspired you to take action? http://bit.ly/aYuDtu #historyteacher #edchat
4:42 pm akenuam: lol @eduinnovation "I would take an ipad" #edchat
4:42 pm teachernz: RT @cybraryman1: RT @2footgiraffe: We need more "head teacher principals" and less "CEO" principals #edchat
4:42 pm rliberni: RT @tomwhitby: If standzd test success is the standard for excellent teachers, how do teachers of non-tested subs become excellent? #edchat
4:42 pm Nunavut_Teacher: RT @Philip_Cummings: Could goodteaching be recognized/rewarded by giving T greater/more autonomy? Trust them as proven professional. #edchat
4:42 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: RT @seanbanville: @ShellTerrell Admins perhaps fear innovation - it could mean the end of their jobs. #edchat (v. true)
4:42 pm Blythe_Musteric: Agree! RT @ShellTerrell: RT @bjnichols: Student learning is measured by progress/growth, not a test score #edchat
4:42 pm raffelsol: My reward would be and ipad. it's what I covet at the moment. Can I change my mind next semester as well? #edchat
4:42 pm rliberni: RT @raffelsol: If you personally were going to ask for a reward, what would that be? #edchat
4:42 pm boundstaffpress: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @raffelsol: If you personally were going to ask for a reward, what would that be? #edchat Me- Supply budget
4:43 pm rkiker: @olafelch much agreed, I hope most of them get filtered out by natural selection! :) #edchat
4:43 pm ShellTerrell: Personally I do feel punished when my President stands by firing all teachers in a district & doesn't hire an educator as Sec of Edu #edchat
4:43 pm worsttofirst: RT @gericoats: #edchat innovative tching is rewarded >support from colleagues & student success. tchrs love 2 C how other tchrs R sucesful
4:43 pm teachingwthsoul: @j_ashton Sad to hear by so many PLN today that Admin are being perceived poorly.I must speak up...some are doing Gr8 stuff! #edchat
4:43 pm MichaelJMyersII: Teacher recruitment programs often do not solve staffing problems b/c they ignore organizational sources of low teacher retention. #edchat
4:43 pm ShellTerrell: RT @SeanBanville: @ShellTerrell Admins perhaps fear innovation - it could mean the end of their jobs. #edchat
4:43 pm harrisonmike: RT @rliberni: RT @tomwhitby: If standzd test success is the standard for excellent teachers, how do teachers of non-tested subs become excellent? #edchat
4:43 pm abfromz: RT @ShellTerrell: Many of us are innovative teachers- Do we feel our institutions, govts, & districts punishing us?-or rewarding us? #Edchat
4:43 pm rliberni: @MatthiasHeil I agree students are the best judges and if this is positive then the job's well done #edchat
4:43 pm MZimmer557: Board admin staff should have times where they teach classes, that would be an interesting reward to see a Super teach classes #edchat
4:43 pm Blythe_Musteric: I had a student tell me yesterday that "because of" me, she now has her dream job! That's my reward!!! #edchat
4:43 pm jpsteltz: Admin 2 shake my hand, look me in eye, & tell me I am valued RT @raffelsol: If u personally were 2 ask 4 reward, what would that b? #edchat
4:43 pm michellek107: Our dist has Peer Coaching component. 2nd yr in dist paired w/any veteran teacher of their choice. Successful b/c peer interaction. #edchat
4:43 pm ESLlibrary: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @raffelsol: If you personally were going to ask for a reward, what would that be? #edchat
4:44 pm boundstaffpress: lol @eduinnovation "I would take an ipad" #edchat
4:44 pm doctorjeff: @ShellTerrell Community of educators capable of delivering the right experiences but local/stat/feds pushing something else. #edchat
4:44 pm teachingwthsoul: RT @Blythe_Musteric: I had a student tell me yesterday that "because of" me, she now has her dream job! That's my reward!!! #edchat
4:44 pm harrisonmike: @rliberni @tomwhitby One of the problems of teachers of languages I think - they don't always fit testing systems #edchat
4:44 pm akenuam: @MichaelJMyersII not all teacher recruitment programs are focused on staffing problems, its a myth. ex. TFA = end achievement gap #edchat
4:44 pm olafelch: @rkiker The greatest enemy of natural selection of best-practice teaching is tenure. #edchat
4:44 pm rliberni: RT @Blythe_Musteric: Agree! RT @ShellTerrell: RT @bjnichols: Student learning is measured by progress/growth, not a test score #edchat
4:44 pm seanbanville: So many innovative teachers being held back by management clinging to their status quo. Students suffer #edchat
4:44 pm MatthiasHeil: #praise #reward #respect: "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless." -- Mother Teresa #edchat
4:44 pm MissCheska: @Mamacita So why not turn adverse publicity around by publicizing tchrs' extra efforts? #edchat
4:44 pm TIPSTeam: With technology, many old excuses are no longer valid - new blog post from National Staff Development Council - http://bit.ly/bIeBvj #edchat
4:44 pm rlyseng: With technology, many old excuses are no longer valid - new blog post from National Staff Development Council - http://bit.ly/bIeBvj #edchat
4:45 pm teachernz: @tomwhitby why test? formative and ongoing assessment provides feedback/next steps to student and measures/records progress #edchat
4:45 pm Mamacita: The answer to this question - to almost any education question - is NOT money. It's respect, trust, & professional acknowledgement. #edchat
4:45 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: @rkiker The greatest enemy of natural selection of best-practice teaching is tenure. #edchat
4:45 pm k_shelton: @teachingwthsoul @j_ashton Many r doing great stuff. Problem is those that aren't have greater affect on schools than ind. teachers #edchat
4:45 pm bhsprincipal: RT @ShellTerrell: Many of us are innovative teachers- Do we feel our institutions, govts, & districts punishing us?-or rewarding us? #Edchat
4:45 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: RT @tomwhitby: If stand test success is standard 4 excellent tchrs, how do tchrs of non-tested subs become excellent? #edchat
4:45 pm thart74: RT @bhsprincipal: RT @teachingwthsoul A suportive admin walks their talk. Enagages, works collab., supports studnts,teachers: stars and strugglers. #edchat
4:45 pm rliberni: RT @MissCheska: @Mamacita So why not turn adverse publicity around by publicizing tchrs' extra efforts? #edchat
4:45 pm boundstaffpress: RT @MatthiasHeil: "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless." -- Mother Teresa #edchat
4:45 pm olafelch: RT @MissCheska: @Mamacita So why not turn adverse publicity around by publicizing tchrs' extra efforts? #edchat (Excellent idea!)
4:45 pm porchdragon: @web20classroom Innovative does not mean "best" or "perfect" it means new and diff. many of my innovative lessons are busts. #edchat
4:45 pm ShellTerrell: @doctorjeff I completely agree! #edchat
4:45 pm rliberni: RT @doctorjeff: I've said this before-we need a movement! 6 million teachers is a force for change if coherence in voice #edchat
4:45 pm eduinnovation: I am not sure why anyone thinks innovation would be dangerous to admin. We work in the same system. Good innovation is good 4 all #edchat
4:45 pm ShellTerrell: RT @doctorjeff: Community of educators capable of delivering the right experiences but local/stat/feds pushing something else. #edchat
4:45 pm Wkingbg: RT @eduinnovation: Wall Street Journal recently had a piece on how performance reviews are useless. Need input daily, not once a year. #edchat
4:45 pm towittertoo: @rliberni but they grow and progress independently of us- big gains mirror developmental time lines #edchat
4:46 pm flourishingkids: It's time we all spread the word, celebrate our kids successes/ innovations & tell more stories to change perception of teachers. #edchat
4:46 pm k_shelton: @rliberni @Blythe_Musteric @ShellTerrell @bjnichols there is certainly a greater push for testing and accountability on the teacher #edchat
4:46 pm teachernz: RT @boundstaffpress: lol @eduinnovation "I would take an ipad" #edchat
4:46 pm webmaster_ref: RT @ShellTerrell: If the government put an innovative teacher ahead of education policy, this would be reward enough for me #Edchat
4:46 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Blythe_Musteric: I had a student tell me yesterday that "because of" me, she now has her dream job! That's my reward!!! #edchat
4:46 pm Mamacita: @MissCheska You've never experienced chastizement because of a publicized extra effort, have you. #edchat
4:46 pm bhsprincipal: How many teachers work in places where progressive ideas are encouraged? How many work in a place where the status quo is OK? #edchat
4:47 pm teachernz: RT @Mamacita: @MissCheska You've never experienced chastizement because of a publicized extra effort, have you. #edchat
4:47 pm rliberni: @k_shelton accountability is ok we shouldn't fear this but the methods? #edchat
4:47 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @teachernz: RT @boundstaffpress: lol @eduinnovation "I would take an ipad" --- and another one for my right foot!-) #edchat
4:47 pm worsttofirst: RT @bjnichols: Student learning is measured by progress/growth, not a test score #edchat
4:47 pm akenuam: @olafelch i like that, so much media is focused on NEGATIVE press on teachers. WIsh they highlight great things teachers do everyday #edchat
4:47 pm boundstaffpress: I found most intrinsic rewards from honestly complimenting my admin on things that I appreciated. #edchat
4:47 pm seanbanville: @eduinnovation dangerous to admin coz they are not in the classrooms and don't understand it. How many admins in this #edchat?
4:47 pm rkiker: @rliberni @olafelch I don't know - I have tenure and I am pretty awesome :) #edchat
4:47 pm jhedger276: @bhsprincipal , supportive admin is what I call fair. They enforce the rules in place on students, teachers, all people the same. #edchat
4:47 pm MissCheska: @Mamacita LOL no, I've been often coined the ideal newbie #edchat
4:47 pm rkiker: RT @lamoureuxr: Success is relative. Each day, each hour, success is different #edchat
4:47 pm Blythe_Musteric: @Mamacita But don't you think, that with more money, we could recruit more talent? Just a thought... #edchat
4:47 pm bhsprincipal: @k_shelton Yes it is summed up in four letter RTTT #edchat It will solve all our problems. (sarcasm)
4:47 pm ShellTerrell: RT @doctorjeff: I've said this before-we need a movement! 6 million teachers is a force for change if coherence in voice #edchat
4:47 pm MZimmer557: rwrd tchrs by publicly acknowledging their work..not at a mtg, conf, but in the newspaper or on the news. To many neg. stories #edchat
4:48 pm rliberni: @towittertoo true we are sowers of seeds hopefully and we nurture and encourage growth #edchat
4:48 pm MatthiasHeil: @bhsprincipal: How many work in a place where the status quo is OK? --- I do... #edchat
4:48 pm tomwhitby: @dorieturner My thought is that I want educators determining what education needs. We need our leaders to step up. #edchat
4:48 pm michellek107: More rewards 4 teachers- districts should publicize innovative and successful teachers more. Rather hear good news than bad. #edchat
4:48 pm ShellTerrell: @doctorjeff So how do we go about organizing this voice bcuz I'm ready for change #edchat
4:48 pm boundstaffpress: RT @doctorjeff: I've said this before-we need a movement! 6 million teachers is a force for change if coherence in voice #edchat
4:48 pm rliberni: RT @Blythe_Musteric: @Mamacita But don't you think, that with more money, we could recruit more talent? Just a thought... #edchat
4:48 pm teachingwthsoul: @eduinnovation Thank you! Agreed! Much Admin bashing today, lets not generalize so much...#edchat
4:48 pm jpsteltz: RT @boundstaffpress: I found most intrinsic rewards from honestly complimenting my admin on things that I appreciated. #edchat
4:48 pm k_shelton: @rliberni certainly. I am fine with accountability, just have issue with the method and who is doing the evaluating #edchat
4:48 pm Swanny203: RT @Teachhub: OMG 4get writing b4 txting... how texting is affecting writing development http://ow.ly/1xX2X #edchat
4:49 pm gericoats: #edchat maybe slightly off topic, but admin should teach one section of something a year. would give better perspective on reality in clsrm
4:49 pm rliberni: @rkiker I don't doubt it! But is everybody? #edchat
4:49 pm Swanny203: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @doctorjeff: I've said this before-we need a movement! 6 million teachers is a force for change if coherence in voice #edchat
4:49 pm bhsprincipal: RT @jhedger276 supportive admin is what I call fair. They enforce the rules in place on students, teachers, all people the same. #edchat
4:49 pm akenuam: RT @k_shelton: certainly. I am fine with accountability, just have issue with the method and who is doing the evaluating #edchat
4:49 pm Swanny203: RT @ShellTerrell: @doctorjeff So how do we go about organizing this voice bcuz I'm ready for change #edchat
4:49 pm towittertoo: @rliberni I'd like us to move away from that thinking and move into the thought that we develop mini cultures....#edchat
4:49 pm raffelsol: How many teachers would say $$ for their reward? I have found that not many want that. More want appreciation through conversations #edchat
4:49 pm k_shelton: @michellek107 usually the teachers that get that pub are the ones teaching the students who's parents are more involved. #edchat
4:49 pm Mamacita: @bhsprincipal Status quo is safe. New ideas are dangerous. Tech is unnecessary. Caring is dangerous. That's my former environment. #edchat
4:49 pm ShellTerrell: @teachingwthsoul @eduinnovation I've seen many innovative & supportive Admin what I havent seen is the same in Edu policy makers #edchat
4:49 pm flourishingkids: @bhsprincipal Status quo is definitely a norm in my school. Teachers who are innovative, work harder receive negativity from peers. #edchat
4:49 pm olafelch: In some cases innovative tchrs have received materials from industry bcuz of publicity over their activities. Nice reward! #edchat
4:49 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @teachingwthsoul: @eduinnovation Agreed! Much Admin bashing today... --- Some deserve it, not all...-) #vision #honesty #respect #edchat
4:49 pm kylepace: RT @Blythe_Musteric: I had a student tell me yesterday that "because of" me, she now has her dream job! That's my reward!!! #edchat
4:49 pm k_shelton: @bhsprincipal my thoughts exactly!! #edchat
4:49 pm Get_Free_IPad: RT @boundstaffpress: lol @eduinnovation "I would take an ipad" #edchat Free Apple IPad at: http://shorten.ws/f8d923
4:49 pm retorta: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @doctorjeff: I've said this before-we need a movement! 6 million teachers is a force for change if coherence in voice #edchat
4:50 pm akenuam: @raffelsol ill take both lol :D #edchat
4:50 pm bhsprincipal: @MatthiasHeil From my experience - that is a big downer for great teachers. #edchat
4:50 pm kylepace: RT @lamoureuxr: Success is relative. Each day, each hour, success is different #edchat
4:50 pm ShellTerrell: RT @raffelsol: How many tchrs would say $$ for their reward? I have found not many want that. More want appreciation thru convos #edchat
4:50 pm MissCheska: @Mamacita But still, IMHO, extra effort outweighs chastisement when it comes to going all out for students #edchat
4:50 pm harrisonmike: @boundstaffpress @doctorjeff Difficult to mobilise all teachers worldwide tho - difficult even locally. #edchat
4:50 pm jnash: RT @bhsprincipal: How many teachers work where progressive ideas are encouraged? How many work where status quo is OK? #edchat
4:50 pm michellek107: @k_shelton bad/unethical tchers also make for more drama in the media than the great ones. Public isn't aware of great teachers. #edchat
4:50 pm Mamacita: @rliberni Do away with some company cars, a few of the dozen or so admins in any one building, & more talent could be obtained. #edchat
4:50 pm eduinnovation: RT @SeanBanville: @eduinnovation dangerous to admin coz they are not in the classrooms and don't understand it...I have to disagree #edchat
4:50 pm gericoats: @MatthiasHeil status quo at my schl depnds on which camp of tchrs u talk to/about. I <3 my camp, but there is another that fite chng #edchat
4:50 pm John_Passantino: If an educator can't recognize a job well done absent standardized test results, it's time to change profession. #edchat
4:50 pm rliberni: RT @Mamacita: @bhsprincipal Status quo is safe. New ideas are dangerous. Tech unnecessary. Caring dangerous. My former environment. #edchat
4:50 pm Wkingbg: RT @2footgiraffe: We need more "head teacher principals" and less "CEO" principals #edchat
4:51 pm teachingwthsoul: @MatthiasHeil Thank you for your kind clarification. Nicely said. #vision #honesty #respect #edchat
4:51 pm seanbanville: RT @ShellTerrell: I've seen many innovative & supportive Admin what I havent seen is the same in Edu policy makers #edchat
4:51 pm sachac: RT @kylepace: RT @lamoureuxr: Success is relative. Each day, each hour, success is different #edchat
4:51 pm rkiker: #edchat A successful teacher leaves his problems in the car in the morning & is there for kids exclusively during the day-that is the job
4:51 pm jhedger276: @bhsprincipal , status quo ok but starting to be pushed. It is nice to see some squirm. #edchat
4:51 pm akenuam: @Get_Free_IPad is that for real? #edchat
4:51 pm jpsteltz: @teachingwthsoul i agree with you that there are some admin that are 'teachingwthsoul', but then there are those that are roadblocks #edchat
4:51 pm teachernz: are admins in US and other countries all ex teachers? #edchat
4:51 pm ShellTerrell: RT @bhsprincipal: How many tchrs work in places where progressive ideas encouraged? How many work in a place where status quo is OK? #edchat
4:51 pm rkiker: @rliberni too funny, but you are right. #edchat
4:51 pm doctorjeff: @ShellTerrell We need 2 think bigger than Twitter or FB. We need to use these as tools. First - we need a Dream Team - a Core Group. #edchat
4:51 pm MZimmer557: I find this rewarding, chatting with my PLN. Why is it so hard to get other teachers to feel rewarded like me? #edchat
4:51 pm cookp: RT @eduinnovation: If we open the door to rewards for great teaching...do we not open the door to taking from ineffective teachers? #edchat
4:51 pm michellek107: @k_shelton agreed. I say bring on the parents as partners. Make the school a friendly place for parents and community. #edchat
4:51 pm rliberni: @towittertoo how? #edchat
4:51 pm eduinnovation: @ShellTerrell Agreed. Admin, like teachers, are in a very small "box" more innovative you are the more you can do in a small box #edchat
4:51 pm olafelch: @Mamacita Sorry, but taking away an admin's company car does not reward innovative teachers. #edchat
4:52 pm ESLlibrary: Teachers of language have more room to be innovative. But does that amount to success hence reward? #edchat
4:52 pm teachernz: @gericoats same here, but we are more evenly spread 50/50 ish #edchat
4:52 pm k_shelton: @michellek107 you are absolutely right!! The media looks for that more than the teacher that inspires/educates on a daily basis #edchat
4:52 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @gericoats: @MatthiasHeil status quo at my schl depnds on which camp of tchrs u talk to/about --- !-) #edchat
4:52 pm bhsprincipal: RT @MZimmer557: I find this rewarding, chatting with my PLN. Why is it so hard to get other teachers to feel rewarded like me? #edchat
4:52 pm rliberni: @Mamacita not sure I follow? Admin with Co cars? #edchat
4:52 pm rkiker: RT @MissCheska: @Mamacita But still, IMHO, extra effort outweighs chastisement when it comes to going all out for students #edchat
4:52 pm jaccalder: @teachernz they r in canada #edchat
4:52 pm ShellTerrell: So what from today's #edchat will we take into our institutes & schools to create reform? #Edchat
4:52 pm dmcordell: @bhsprincipal @sylviamartinez idea of tinkering is important for both students & teachers: O.K. to try, not succeed but still learn #edchat
4:52 pm rliberni: @rkiker Lol! #teachertuesday #edchat
4:52 pm Mamacita: @olafelch No, but it would free some money so another teacher might be hired. #edchat
4:52 pm teachernz: progressive ideas are encouraged, but not taken up bu others #edchat
4:52 pm doctorjeff: @harrisonmike I know this is an international tweet up, but for me to be fair and open, my key issue is education in the U.S. #edchat
4:52 pm Blythe_Musteric: I don't think we can rely on others to make us feel "rewarded." Intrinsic motivation is powerful. #edchat
4:52 pm boundstaffpress: RT @MZimmer557: I find this rewarding, chatting with my PLN. Why is it so hard to get other teachers to feel rewarded like me? #edchat
4:53 pm TheNerdyTeacher: @ShellTerrell @bhsprincipal #edchat - I'm at a status quo place that is trying to change. We all know how tough that can be.
4:53 pm olafelch: RT @rkiker: @rliberni @olafelch I don't know - I have tenure and I am pretty awesome :) #edchat Good for you!
4:53 pm worsttofirst: Thanks @aliflorida 4 the RT 2day. #Edchat is Gr8
4:53 pm ShellTerrell: @doctorjeff Let's organize this dream team then we have plenty here in #edchat
4:53 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @ShellTerrell: So what from today's #edchat will we take into our institutes & schools to create reform? #good #question
4:53 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: So what from today's #edchat will we take into our institutes & schools to create reform? #Edchat
4:53 pm MissCheska: @rliberni Right now I would ask for funding to help pay off my masters, send me to ISTE & other conferences I want to go to! #edchat
4:53 pm bhsprincipal: RT @michellek107: @k_shelton agreed. I say bring on the parents as partners. Make school a friendly place for parents and community. #edchat
4:53 pm doctorjeff: @harrisonmike So my personal concentration is how can teachers across US mobilize. That 6Million is US teachers. #edchat
4:53 pm towittertoo: @rliberni I've been thinking more and more about the "temp", "culture" of a classroom...good classrooms have a discernable "culture" #edchat
4:53 pm HuffPostDenver: Colorado #teachers face battle for #tenure in legislature: http://huff.to/cMLUF9. Do we grant tenure too easily? #edreform #edpolicy #edchat
4:53 pm ShellTerrell: RT @twoodwar: tchrs not wanting to be paid better sounds like garbage to me. Ask who'd turn down better pay. Stop working 2nd jobs #edchat
4:53 pm eduinnovation: @SeanBanville True...but there are admin out there who could say the same in regards to their teachers. We need to PULL TOGETHER #edchat
4:53 pm boundstaffpress: @ShellTerrell @bhsprincipal #eosdr1 is a place where progressive ideas are encouraged. I love working here. #edchat
4:53 pm akenuam: @ShellTerrell see we need local #edchat chapters for grassroots organizing *winks*
4:53 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: @doctorjeff Let's organize this dream team then we have plenty here in #edchat
4:54 pm teachingwthsoul: @jpsteltz Well said. :) #edchat
4:54 pm dmcordell: RT @bhsprincipal: RT @ShellTerrell: Many of us are innovative teachers- Do we feel our institutions, govts, & districts punishing us?-or rewarding us? #Edchat
4:54 pm TheNerdyTeacher: @MZimmer557 - I agree. The PLN is what validates my ideas and supports my thoughts. More schools should rally behind this format. #edchat
4:54 pm Blythe_Musteric: RT @MissCheska: @rliberni Right now I would ask for funding to help pay off my masters, send me to ISTE & other conferences I want to go to! #edchat
4:54 pm teachernz: @jaccalder so admins should know vaguely what it's like... i suspect they have pressure on them and a different, stats based, agenda #edchat
4:54 pm teachingwthsoul: RT @eduinnovationTrue...but there are admin out there who could say the same in regards to their teachers. We need to PULL TOGETHER #edchat
4:54 pm rliberni: @towittertoo I agree how would you harness this? #edchat
4:54 pm 2footgiraffe: When it comes to tech stuff I feel supported. When it comes to discipline some teachers don't get the support they want. #edchat
4:54 pm web20education: #edtech20 Join free http://web20ineducation2010.ning.com/ to discuss about new tehnologies in education in 2010 , #edchat
4:55 pm akenuam: off to lunch. enjoyed today's edchat! Thanks everyone. Folow me for free teacher resources. :) #edchat
4:55 pm seanbanville: Agreed RT @eduinnovation: admin ... teachers. We need to PULL TOGETHER #edchat
4:55 pm doctorjeff: @harrisonmike I wrote up my concerns in an essay at HuffPost addressing the U.S. crisis: http://bit.ly/4MeSYu #edchat
4:55 pm bhsprincipal: @thenerdyteacher That is great. We learn a lot more by trying and failing. Than just going through the same OLD routine. #edchat
4:55 pm olafelch: Consistent performance over and above the timetable requirements could be rewarded with sponsored conference tickets. #edchat
4:55 pm rliberni: @MissCheska I think these kind of rewards are very valuable and would be motivating too #edchat
4:55 pm Mamacita: @rliberni #edchat I was referring to your tweet about more money recruiting more talent.
4:55 pm rliberni: RT @seanbanville: Agreed RT @eduinnovation: admin ... teachers. We need to PULL TOGETHER #edchat
4:55 pm MZimmer557: grt #edchat, will b looking for the archive. Got to help Marketing/School Store Tchr with her POS system (Point of Sale, not Piece of...)
4:55 pm Mamacita: @rkiker It depends on the chastisement. #edchat
4:55 pm MissCheska: @Blythe_Musteric Wow! That's a great in-the-clouds feeling :) #edchat
4:55 pm j_ashton: Admin. impact on education is magnified both good and bad as they set the stage. Increase # of good admin = Increase # of good tch. #edchat
4:55 pm teachingwthsoul: In Cali it's a must!! RT @jpsteltz: No, not where I teach RT @teachernz: are admins in US and other countries all ex teachers? #edchat
4:55 pm harrisonmike: @colport Shall we start up #ukedchat RT @akenuam: @ShellTerrell see we need local #edchat chapters for grassroots organizing *winks*
4:56 pm PaulRevereHouse: @hadleyjf Receiving thank you notes from students who participate in our programs make ALL of the Paul Revere House staff smile! #edchat
4:56 pm ShellTerrell: RT @olafelch: Consistent performance over and above the timetable requirements could be rewarded with sponsored conference tickets. #edchat
4:56 pm doctorjeff: My open letter to President Obama: http://bit.ly/hdYxI #edchat #lrnchat
4:56 pm ShellTerrell: @olafelch I like this one! #edchat
4:56 pm rkiker: @rliberni @hadleyjf @ShellTerrell @teachingwthsoul @MatthiasHeil #teachertuesday #edchat
4:56 pm ShellTerrell: RT @akenuam: @ShellTerrell see we need local #edchat chapters for grassroots organizing *winks*
4:56 pm towittertoo: @rliberni I'd think abt how to measure culture-systems, not measure just retainment of info but independence/initiative in students #edchat
4:56 pm olgachaidou: @ShellTerrell education may be a revolutionary act when you encourage students to question eveything incl teachers and themselves #edchat
4:56 pm ESLlibrary: RT @olafelch: Consistent performance over and above the timetable requirements could be rewarded with sponsored conference tickets. #edchat
4:56 pm John_Passantino: RT @HuffPostDenver: Colorado #teachers face battle for #tenure in legislature: http://huff.to/cMLUF9. Do we grant tenure too easily? #edreform #edpolicy #edchat
4:56 pm rliberni: @Mamacita aah agreed there is much waste in the syetm and this could be out to better use - good teachers #edchat
4:56 pm doctorjeff: @ShellTerrell Sign me up. How do we implement? #edchat I've already been thinking about a roadmap for action.
4:57 pm TheNerdyTeacher: We need top leaders to check in on #edchat. #SecofEdArnie are you busy on Tuesdays?
4:57 pm web20classroom: @porchdragon Ok...but should you be monitarily rewarded for doing something different? #edchat
4:57 pm Philip_Cummings: RT @Blythe_Musteric: I don't think we can rely on others to make us feel "rewarded." Intrinsic motivation is powerful. #edchat
4:57 pm malcolmbellamy: here is a big thank you as my reward to all of my colleagues for this #edchat
4:57 pm ShellTerrell: @accordin2jo Sadly I think the status quo is OK at many schools #edchat
4:57 pm olafelch: RT @TheNerdyTeacher: We need top leaders to check in on #edchat. #SecofEdArnie are you busy on Tuesdays?
4:57 pm teachingwthsoul: ^high five^ friend~>RT @rkiker: @rliberni @hadleyjf @ShellTerrell @teachingwthsoul @MatthiasHeil #teachertuesday #edchat
4:58 pm cybraryman1: @ShellTerrell @rliberni Your reward for moderating this stimulating discussion is a big THANK YOU! #edchat
4:58 pm MatthiasHeil: What I will try to improve is my own appreciation of fellow teachers' activities/ideas/visions... #edchat
4:58 pm ShellTerrell: RT @doctorjeff: My open letter to President Obama: http://bit.ly/hdYxI #edchat #lrnchat
4:58 pm olafelch: RT @ShellTerrell: @accordin2jo Sadly I think the status quo is OK at many schools #edchat (v. true and v. dangerous)
4:58 pm raffelsol: Thanks for the #edchat convo. I enjoyed the parts I could jump in on today. Enlightening as always.
4:58 pm akenuam: @ShellTerrell thanks and look forward to next week's discussion! #edchat
4:58 pm rliberni: @towittertoo interesting I think we've gone too far away from the teacher-std and std-std relationship and need to focus more here #edchat
4:58 pm harrisonmike: @doctorjeff Thanks for the link. You are right - worrying times ahead, not just for the US I feel. #edchat
4:58 pm ShellTerrell: @doctorjeff I was going to ask to sign-up on your dream team ;-) So now we have to come up w/ a plan #edchat
4:58 pm tomwhitby: @malcolmbellamy Thank you too #edchat
4:58 pm jpsteltz: tough 2 relate w/ someone never in classroomRT @teachingwthsoul: In Cali it's a must!! RT @teachernz: r admin in US all ex teachers? #edchat
4:58 pm MissCheska: @MZimmer557 I've felt the same way when I tried to get others on board. Now I just let my enthusiasm infect :) #edchat
4:59 pm seanbanville: Seconded - RT @malcolmbellamy: here is a big thank you as my reward to all of my colleagues for this #edchat
4:59 pm rliberni: @cybraryman1 and for your gr8 contribution! #teachertuesday #edchat
4:59 pm teachingwthsoul: Asking his Assist too! She's from Cali! RT @thenerdyteacher: We need top leaders to check in on #edchat. #SecofEdArnie are u busy on Tues?
4:59 pm ShellTerrell: Nice! RT @MatthiasHeil: What I will try to improve is my own appreciation of fellow teachers' activities/ideas/visions... #edchat
4:59 pm ESLlibrary: Thanks for the #edchat. The topic was interesting, but hard to agree on good solutions.
4:59 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: @doctorjeff I was going to ask to sign-up on your dream team ;-) So now we have to come up w/ a plan #edchat
4:59 pm bhsprincipal: You folks motivate me every day. I want teachers in every classroom who think the way you do. #edchat Fortunate to have a bunch here.
4:59 pm eduinnovation: Ed chat..great job today team...top-notch..really well done..I think we nailed it. You Stay Classy #edchat
4:59 pm ShellTerrell: @cybraryman1 Ohh my reward is you being part of my PLN #edchat
4:59 pm MatthiasHeil: Can we talk about working with students next time? Too much self-centered reflection makes me sad...-) #edchat
4:59 pm Mamacita: With so many dysfunctional students in classrooms today, a fully supportive admin would be the best gift EVER. #edchat
5:00 pm teachingwthsoul: @jpsteltz I agree. I strongly believe it should be a criteria for all Admin. Amazed it's not around the US! #edchat
5:00 pm olafelch: @Mamacita I would prefer to get rid of the bad teachers, would save more money than a car. #edchat
5:00 pm seanbanville: Thanks 2 @ShellTerrell and @rliberni for another interesting #edchat
5:00 pm ShellTerrell: @accordin2jo That's what makes you an innovative & gr8 educator #edchat
5:00 pm bhsprincipal: Thx all for another great #edchat!
5:00 pm ShellTerrell: RT @bhsprincipal: You folks motivate me every day. I want teachers in every classroom who think the way you do. #edchat
5:00 pm rliberni: Don't forget to follow @jswiatek for the archive. Summary tomorrow at http://bit.ly/1aB6bx #edchat
5:00 pm MissCheska: @ShellTerrell Personally I've learned I should be more vocal about the work I do. I do good work, why not share it? #edchat #Edchat
5:01 pm teachernz: @jpsteltz all ours are... it's a req, but many haven't taught for 20/30 yrs. the best admins make time to take a class a week #edchat
5:01 pm MissCheska: @cybraryman1 #edchat Same here! Enjoy the rest of your day!
5:01 pm Mamacita: @olafelch Absolutely true, but the car would be a starting point and much easier to get rid of than a bad teacher, unfortunately. #edchat
5:01 pm beinfluential: Wonderful! RT @Blythe_Musteric: I had a student tell me that "because of" me, she now has her dream job! That's my reward!!! #edchat
5:01 pm ritzius2: Showing a colleague Twitter and the impact of a PLN.....send some insight :) #edchat
5:01 pm rliberni: @flourishingkids thank you for your contribution #teachertuesday #edchat
5:01 pm porchdragon: @web20classroom It depends on my reason(s) for doing it and the outcomes that I have control over (which are few) #edchat
5:01 pm teachingwthsoul: Thanks 2 @ShellTerrell and @rliberni for a very robust dialogue on #edchat today! Whew!
5:01 pm teachernz: @cybraryman1 hey.. you too... hard to keep up... so many tangential ideas #edchat
5:01 pm rliberni: @seanbanville thanks Sean as ever! #teachertuesday #edchat
5:01 pm web20education: RT @DUMACORNELLUCIA: I begin the reform in education in my school . From web 1.0 to web 2.0 and after using SL discover semantic web 3.0 #edchat
5:01 pm Blythe_Musteric: Thanks for a great #edchat, everyone! Stay motivated!! #teachertuesday
5:01 pm zulfadly: @cybraryman1 Pleasure is all mine. #edchat sessions have always been enjoyable
5:02 pm jpsteltz: Totally agree...we would WELCOME that w/ open arms RT @teachernz: the best admins make time to take a class a week #edchat
5:02 pm worsttofirst: .@doctorjeff @rkiker @harrisonmike @teachingwthsoul @MZimmer557 @rliberni @TheNerdyTeacher @jpsteltz @boundstaffpress <Super #Edchat 2day
5:02 pm michellek107: Advocate for U! RT @MissCheska: Personally I've learned I should be more vocal abt the work I do. I do good work, why not share it? #edchat
5:02 pm Mamacita: I re-watched 2020's "Stupid in America" and I'm all upset again. Because most of it was true. #edchat
5:02 pm 2footgiraffe: funny, I was just about to say "time to be productive" shame on me. I am being productive. Thanks for the productive #edchat
5:02 pm doctorjeff: @ShellTerrell we should follow up by phone to have a conversation about the possibilities-goals, engaging tchrs. Will send u a DM. #edchat
5:02 pm ShellTerrell: RT @olgachaidou: education may be a revolutionary act when you encourage students to question eveything incl teachers and themselves #edchat
5:02 pm MatthiasHeil: Thanks *everybody* for participating - I feel uplifted in Ur presence & honored by sharing/enjoying/pondering your ideas & vision! #edchat
5:02 pm tomwhitby: Thanks to @ShellTerrell @rliberni @web20classroom for another engaging #edchat session.
5:02 pm zulfadly: RT @rliberni: Don't forget to follow @jswiatek for the archive. Summary tomorrow at http://bit.ly/1aB6bx #edchat
5:02 pm rliberni: RT @MissCheska: @ShellTerrell I've learned I should be more vocal about the wrk I do. I do good wrk, why not share it ? Hear hear! #edchat
5:03 pm teachernz: @ritzius2 just follow the #edchat hashtag or read it back :-)
5:03 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @tomwhitby: Thanks to @ShellTerrell @rliberni @web20classroom for another engaging #edchat session.
5:03 pm worsttofirst: RT @rliberni: Don't forget to follow @jswiatek for the archive. Summary tomorrow at http://bit.ly/1aB6bx #edchat
5:03 pm olafelch: @Mamacita Lol! On that we agree completely! #edchat
5:03 pm rliberni: @tomwhitby thank you for some very insightful comments #teachertuesday #edchat
5:03 pm robinup: RT @digitalnative: RT @Aaron_Eyler: Nothing meaningful or creative has ever come from "filling in the blanks" #edchat
5:03 pm harrisonmike: RT @MatthiasHeil: RT @tomwhitby: Thanks to @ShellTerrell @rliberni @web20classroom for another engaging #edchat session.
5:03 pm rliberni: @MatthiasHeil Gr8 debate! #teachertuesday #edchat
5:04 pm towittertoo: @rliberni Thank you for the #edchat !
5:04 pm MatthiasHeil: RT @rliberni: Don't forget to follow @jswiatek for the archive. Summary tomorrow at http://bit.ly/1aB6bx #edchat
5:04 pm rliberni: @worsttofirst thank you too! #teachertuesday #edchat
5:04 pm teachernz: @jpsteltz our principal loves maths... so he teaches maths a few times a term, our deputy principal shares a class 50/50 with me :-) #edchat
5:04 pm rliberni: @towittertoo good convo! #teachertuesday #edchat
5:05 pm rliberni: @harrisonmike thank you for your contribution #teachertuesday #edchat
5:05 pm olafelch: Tweetdeck has collapsed on me. :o( #edchat
5:05 pm michellek107: Benefits of #edchat: self-reflection, thought-provoking dialogue, multiple views and opinions, incentive to act on ideas- this is good PD!
5:05 pm wmchamberlain: RT @nwevaluation: Obama's Plan to Reward Schools for Innovation Sparks Congressional Debate: http://ow.ly/1xXvO #edchat (couldn't resist ;)
5:05 pm harrisonmike: Came late but thank you very much @ShellTerrell and @rliberni and all involved in #edchat today! #TeacherTuesday
5:06 pm MissCheska: @cybraryman1 @ShellTerrell @rliberni @olafelch @thenerdyteacher @evab2001 Great #edchat! <3
5:06 pm rkiker: @worsttofirst great #Edchat with you as well, thanks for the talk.
5:06 pm teachernz: @ShellTerrell was a good one... i usually miss... 5am now in NZ... stayed up for #edchat
5:06 pm Philip_Cummings: .@rliberni @teachingwthsoul @Nunavut_teacher @boundstaffpress @cybraryman1 @ShellTerrell @hadleyjf @mzimmer557 Thx 4 sharing @ #edchat 2day!
5:06 pm TheNerdyTeacher: Thanks for the #edchat convo everyone. I've made some new PLN buddies! :-) Let the Follow Fest begin!
5:06 pm teachingwthsoul: @eduinnovation @philip_cummings @SeanBanville @bhsprincipal @jpsteltz @matthiasheil@misscheska@cybraryman1Thanks for the Gr8 #edchat!
5:07 pm j_ashton: Thank you PLN for the great #edchat! You always keep me thinking, striving, and growing. What more could one ask for!!
5:07 pm MichaelJMyersII: @akenuam Nonetheless, teacher turnover is problem for schools through an organizational lens and TFA contributes to stated problem #edchat
5:07 pm teachingwthsoul: @thenerdyteacher LOL I love that #followfest Very cool! #edchat
5:07 pm CBalling: RT @doctorjeff: I've said this before-we need a movement! 6 million teachers is a force for change if coherence in voice #edchat
5:08 pm ShellTerrell: RT @accordin2jo: teaching is my calling. I teach from my heart. I love my job and my students. #edchat
5:08 pm CBalling: Union? RT @doctorjeff I've said this before-we need a movement! 6 million teachers is a force for change if coherence in voice #edchat
5:08 pm jpsteltz: @teachernz that is awesome!! truly #edchat
5:08 pm MissCheska: @starrmatica @andreagenevieve @k_shelton @teachingwthsoul @jpsteltz @pharmakon @arbaldwin @mamacita @michellek107 Thx for the chat! #edchat
5:08 pm learningcouncil: One thing we do for our employees is take hassles away from their jobs. Teacher's jobs have a lot of hassles #edchat
5:08 pm missaarielle: RT @edutek #edchat I think fazing out Standardized Test system would be the best reward for teachers -- agreed!
5:08 pm learningcouncil: What could we do to remove some hassles and make great teachers stay #edchat
5:08 pm MissCheska: @TheNerdyTeacher LOL love the follow fest #edchat
5:09 pm ShellTerrell: @tomwhitby @rliberni @web20classroom Thank you for your great help, collaboration, & insight #edchat #teachertuesday
5:09 pm olafelch: Is anyone else having #Tweetdeck problems? #edchat search updates but all other columns are blank.
5:09 pm Julian3576: @ShellTerrell Thank you! Relatively new to Twitter, finding the #edchat fascinating, maybe it could really make a difference...
5:09 pm jpsteltz: back atcha:) RT @teachingwthsoul: @eduinnovation @philip_cummings @SeanBanville @bhsprincipal @matthiasheil@misscheska Thx for Gr8 #edchat!
5:10 pm ShellTerrell: @Julian3576 #edchat has already made the difference to many educators, admin, stdts & parents who participate
5:10 pm jpsteltz: back atcha:) RT @MissCheska: @starrmatica @andreagenevieve @k_shelton @teachingwthsoul @pharmakon @mamacita @michellek107 Thx 4 chat #edchat
5:10 pm teachernz: @jpsteltz 50/50 class is new ... we are still finding how we fit each other, but it is good #edchat
5:10 pm dorieturner: @doctorjeff @tomwhitby @teachingwithsoul @michellek107 thanks for the #edchat experience!
5:11 pm techgryl: RT @web20classroom: RT @reportertanya: Third-Graders Teach Each Other Through Skype, Google Talk http://bit.ly/9yPimQ #edtech #edchat
5:11 pm teachernz: @ShellTerrell that late... ;-) I'm tired.. I tend to shoot first... #edchat
5:11 pm harrisonmike: @olafelch No #Tweetdeck problems here but I've only caught end of #edchat. Maybe API is low/rub out (I never understand that!)
5:11 pm Mamacita: I hate to leave the #edchat aftermath but it's a weekday and, well, um, I'm at school, and my next class is about to begin.
5:12 pm Julian3576: RT ShellTerrell @Julian3576 #edchat has already made the difference to many educators, admin, stdts & parents who participate< Good stuff!
5:12 pm TheNerdyTeacher: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @accordin2jo: teaching is my calling. I teach from my heart. I love my job and my students. #edchat
5:12 pm teaching_w_tech: What do students want? Teachers that use technology: http://bit.ly/a177nd #edchat #twtcda
5:12 pm web20education: @ShellTerrell @tomwhitby @rliberni @web20classroom you are welcome to bring knowledge here http://web20ineducation2010.ning.com/ #edchat
5:12 pm ruth4916: RT @MZimmer557: Greatest rewards for teachers will never come from the fed, state, or local gov't. It will come a from a student. #edchat


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